Kazan National Research Technological University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3785-3790
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.0797
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Russian light industry products modern market is characterized by high share of imports; end-users clothing demand is largely determined by loyalty to a particular brand. The problem of creating industrial clothing collections that are in demand by the market requires light industry faculties to include certain disciplines to graduate students' training plan. The disciplines are supposed to form competencies both in terms of clothing creation technology, and in the field of market research, brand development and promotion. The discipline "Industrial clothing collections creation and collection methods" involves the implementation of individual complex projects, however, quality heterogeneity, completeness, and deadlines of projects within student groups required a new implementation form. It is relevant to use team-based learning to achieve a synergistic effect due to collaboration work of graduate students within small subgroups.

Theoretical methods of generalization, concretization, and analogies were used to establish the organizational, content, and psychological advantages of graduate students’ team-based learning in the framework of "Industrial clothing collections creation and collection methods" discipline. Empirical research methods were monitoring the progress of team-based learning; measuring the results of team-based learning; comparing the results of individual and team-based learning. Indicators for comparison were the results of individual projects in 2019 and team-based learning in 2020.

Team advantages and positive synergistic effect emergence due to are theoretically justified. The procedure for organizing graduate students’ team-based learning is developed; roles of subgroup each member on design, engineering, industrial standardization, market analysis and brand management are characterized; effectiveness of intermediate inter-group results discussion is established. The differences in (1) individual and (2) team-based learning were obtained with empirical research: the level of project readiness by the middle of the semester was (1) 24%, (2) 46%; the level of work readiness by the deadline – (1) 76%, (2) 100%; percentage of maximum points for individual sections of the project by the deadline– (1) 64%, (2) – 80%; percentage of maximum points for the work as a whole by the deadline– (1) – 57% (2) 75%.

Team-based learning organization and conducted research results are of interest to universities and faculties that train specialists in light industry field.
Team-based learning, graduate students, light industry, clothing collection, collaboration, synergistic effect, empirical research.