Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The competence "learning to learn" is part of the list of key competences recommended by the Council of Europe, from the perspective of lifelong learning (2018). Deliberate choice of learning strategies facilitates knowing one's own cognitive processes and how they can be used in the acquisition or application of knowledge in problem solving. In this context, the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools in learning leads the learner to easily identify what their own objectives are in solving a task, to quickly assess how difficult the task is, to determine what the necessary conditions are for its settlement, what solution strategies he has available (working methods and tools) and to objectively self-evaluate his personal skills, necessary to solve the task (planning, control and cognitive self-regulation).
This paper describes a psychopedagogical research in which a series of cognitive self-regulation strategies were identified, based on the use of artificial intelligence tools. The results of the research showed that these strategies made all three stages of the metacognitive process, described by Noel (1997), more efficient: the actual mental process (choosing the approach to problem solving), judgment (problem solving) and decision (reviewing the problem or moving on to another problem to solve). Three variables were taken into account: the specifics of the problem to be solved, the type assigned to solving the problem, the frequency of using artificial intelligence tools in solving a type of problem. Keywords:
Artificial intelligence tools, metacognitive structures, problem solving, learning strategies.