University of Zilina (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 11918-11928
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2494
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Quality of life is an attractive attribute of today's modern society. It becomes the subject of research in the whole spectrum of scientific disciplines (economics, psychology, economics, political science, medicine, theology, sociology). It represents the interiorization of values, norms, attitudes of life, the standard of living, health, family, education, work, environment, etc. The quality of life results from the reciprocal influence of the spheres of life (social, economic, ecological, etc.) on the development of society. It is a tool to measure the success of social policy society. There are many model approaches to measuring the quality of life, e.g., Helsinki two-module approach (quality as having-being) or three-module approach (quality as having-being-loving), Toronto approach, and many more. The United Nations evaluates the quality of life more comprehensively. It uses the Human Development Index (HDI), which results from three items: the gross domestic product per capita, the average level of education attained, and life expectancy. Quality of life means the connection of two aspects - objective and subjective. The theoretical perception of the concept of quality of life represents an objective aspect in the article. The paper points out various indicators of measuring the quality of life (indicator of human development, indicator of gender inequality, indicator of multidimensional poverty, and others), value aspects, methods, or measuring it.

Subjective quality of life is about a good feeling of life and satisfaction with things around us. It represents "Soft data", obtained through opinion polls. The subjective aspect of quality of life is expressed in the paper's empirical part, which refers to the regional research carried out. The sample contains 360 respondents (from Žilina self-governing region in Slovakia), divided into five age groups. An essential part of the research is identifying the quality of life factors and the importance of respondents' values related to education. The authors examine the value of education, the quality of education and its significance, its relationship to salary/income, etc. Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, a chi-square test of independence for hypothesis testing, index measurement, two- and three-stage segmentation provide results on perceptions of education in relation to the quality of life.

The theory says that education determines a person's value. Ultimately, education potentiates a person's abilities and helps him in personal and cognitive growth. The authors ask themselves: Is education really one of the most important values of man? What place does education occupy in the value ranking of our respondents? We can state that more educated people prefer more modern values. They are more active in social life. Their attitudes are more liberal and tolerant. Interestingly, they are more interested in continuous education, which fills them and develops them personally.
quality of life, education, society, quality of life indicators, value,