University of Valencia (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2014 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 7656-7660
ISBN: 978-84-616-8412-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 10-12 March, 2014
Location: Valencia, Spain
According to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), a revolution on higher education teaching methodology is necessary. ICTs are tools that play an important role on this progression, being essential in the educational process among the broad range of Degrees at University of Valencia, particularly in the Physiotherapy Degree.

Videotutorials are being a really useful instrument for students to consolidate the practical and theoretical knowledge of the different subjects which constitute the Degree in Physiotherapy at University of Valencia. The aim of this study is to show the outcomes of the management of interactive tutorials which explain some computer programs that facilitate the development of the Degree Final Project of the Physiotherapy Degree. Mastering ICTs for academic purposes allows the students to focus their work on the contents, besides the improvement of the appearance of the document. This methodology has been based on the teaching-learning materials that make the students participate and improve their computer based skills.

Materials and methods:
At first, there were decided the different software tools needed for the development of the Degree Final Project. Once they were selected, there was used an interactive tool for this purpose, which is Active Presenter® (free edition). This program allows the educator to establish different tutorials with four levels of difficulty (the level of difficulty depends on the interaction of the student with the program) to train the learners. The easiest level is based on just showing the lesson, and the hardest level is based on the reproduction of the exercise by the student exactly as it was shown.

A group of tutorials have been published specifically following the development of the Degree Final Project, which explain:
1- The installation of the required software (virtual portable network, VPN) to connect at University, and to access to Eduroam (an educational network of different Spanish Universities) which makes possible to consult the wide range of data bases linked to the University.
2- The methodology of the research using scientific data bases (Pubmed®, Google Scholar®, Science direct®, Pedro®, Cochrane®, Embase® and Ovid®).
3- The creation of the text using a text editor (Microsoft® Word®) and the mode to citate the bibliography (Refworks®, Zotero®).

1. This resources suppose a helpful tool for the student in the elaboration of his Degree Final Project, and make easier the teaching-learning process.
2. Active presenter® is an easy use tool that is useful to adjust the difficulty of the videotutorials and to elaborate a correct progression of it.
3. This resources can be incorporated to other subjects of the Degree in Physiotherapy.
4. This materials correctly complement the new European Model (EHEA).
ICTs, Physiotherapy, Video-tutorials.