Semnan University, Humanities Faculty, Semnan City, (IRAN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2009 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 5260-5266
ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 3rd International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 9-11 March, 2009
Location: Valencia, Spain
A first approach into the literature on methods of teaching foreign language is likely to be a puzzling or dilemma, even a disheatening experience. Conscientious teacher - to – be, would presumably hope to find there a coherent system of ideas, built up in an orderly fashion by the contributions of successive generations of authorities whom made every effort to base their recommendations on experimental evidence and scientific fact. What they actually discover, if they sample the works on the subject written over the last sixty years, is something quite different with the reality.
In fact, the most striking feature of the history of languages instructions, specially in the United States, as a democratic country, appears to be the greatest diversity of methodologies that have been proposed and propounded. At relatively brief interval one highly persuaded " method" or "approach" has succeeded another in the favour of education, and the proponents of each have tended to deny the validity of all that preceded. The use of mother tongue in the foreign language class room has been successively emphasized, banned, and barely tolerated. The ability to speak the foreign tongue was once regarded as irrelevant. Then the new method "direct method system of teaching" invented and published as a Text Book and manuals in the schools all over the world, which made speaking its primacy aim and target. The reading approach, Aura- oral or audio-bilingual Approach once again sprouted up in the educational systems, and insisted on the primacy of speech. Elements of language teaching, such as the role of "Rules", the use of phonetic symbols, vocabularies, etymology, and the like were firmly set forth. Why does the pendulum swing so widely, and rapidly from one extreme to another? Why have the language teachers been able to achieve so little balance and continually in their works? What reasons are there to believe that the currently approved "methodology" will last any longer that have its predecessors?
The general policies of the countries , the cultural set—backs , deeply rooted misleading opinions induced by the religious leaders , the psycholinguistic problems are the main reasons for the unsuccessful projects of the pedagogy in general views.
In this paper, the author will try to give some logical reasons for these strategic questions, and propose a kind of system which may help the English teachers to get more satisfactions on their activities all over the world. The Grade and Degree Seeking Interests for social advancement and money making attitude of the students are the major problems in our country, Iran.
teaching a second language puzzling, purpose of earners, methodology.