University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2019 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 7079-7086
ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2019.1680
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
The article discusses the use of the NI Multisim software platform for teaching and examination of linear operating circuits in the university courses in electronic circuit engineering.

Modern university education requires the use of software tools to teach engineering disciplines included in the bachelor's and master's degree courses. They are designed to increase the students' interest in theoretical concepts and to be an aid to the practical analysis and experience in the design of electronic circuits.

The NI Multisim software platform provides learners with intuitive and interactive capabilities to explore the processes in the electronic circuits based on a standard SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) simulation. NI Multisim incorporates models and devices from leading semiconductor manufacturers - Analog Devices, Infineon, Microchip etc., an extensive set of virtual tools (oscilloscopes, function generators, ammeters, a current probe, etc.) as well as analyses to visualize simulation measurements on the computer screen. The monitoring and measuring devices are as close as possible to their industrial analogs in appearance, controls and characteristics.

Such tools are needed so that the students are better able to understand basic scientific and engineering concepts.

Using the NI Multisim environment in the design of computer-based simulation models of linear operating circuits in offers the students the advantage of being able to use their own laptop anywhere and at any time in their preparation for laboratory testing.

The proposed computer models of inverting and non-inverting analog summing amplifiers focus on examining them in the following modes: the adder output signal is the sum of the input signals, the output signal of the adder is the arithmetic average of the input signals, the output signal of the adder is the algebraic sum of the products of the pertinent input signals and the corresponding transmit function.
To select the mode of operation, "interactive parts" are used to develop the models – namely, switches that change the mode during the simulation without the need to re-start it.

The analysis of signals obtained at the output of the analog adders is performed with a virtual four-channel Tektronix oscilloscope. For the fast and accurate determination of the frequency of the output signal in the variable voltage summing mode, a virtual frequency meter is connected to the outputs of the computer models. A virtual multimeter is used to measure the voltage amplitude received at the adder output. Probe measurement probes are used to enable the trainees to monitor signal changes at the nodes at any point of time and to analyze them.

The students compare the results obtained from the simulation studies with the results obtained from theoretical calculations.

The use of computer models and simulations is necessary in engineering education as it enables students to better understand basic scientific and engineering concepts. It is useful for the acquisition of competencies necessary for the development of the future engineers and the development of modern electronic devices and systems.
Multisim software platform, computer-based simulation models, laboratory testing, engineering concepts.