Novosibirsk State University, The Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering within the Siber (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
The Google search shows the bibliometric boom. On April 6, 2016 for a query word “bibliometric” the result was 458,000 units. The search for the phrase “bibliometric analysis” gave about 222,000 units. The same search on July 22, 2019 gave 1,720,000 and 1,420,000 units, accordingly. The similar search with the Scopus database indicates a trend of growing interest to bibliometrics by researchers (including representatives of economic science).
My report contains the following sections:
1. A brief information of concerning origination of bibliometrics and its development (“Arthashastra”, the links with ancient libraries, the works of ancient thinkers of China, Greece, and Rome, as well as of medieval Europe, the classification boom in the middle of the XIX century, the role of Eugene Garfield, etc.).
2. The data of publication on bibliometric (the absolute and relative numbers of publications in Web of Science, Scopus, EconLit) in general and in economics and management. These data indicate that the bibliometric analysis in specific areas or types of economic research was prevailing: e.g. in the development of the individual subject areas (finance, history of thought, etc.), statistical analysis of articles in specific scientific journals, and others.
3. The beginning of bibliometric analysis at the Faculty of Economics at the Novosibirsk State University in collaboration with the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Here I, as a founder and organizer, show two directions with examples of our publications. The first direction concerns the separate subject areas: energy economics, agricultural economics, financial economics, accounting, regional economics, entrepreneurship, innovation, government policy and regulation, environmental economics, higher economic education. The second direction lays a stress on system bibliometric analysis. Here I consider our books in English and Russian “Analysis of the scientific publication structure in economics” and “Atlas of Publications in Economics on the EconLit Basis. 1992—2005”.
4. This is a key section, which is devoted to the premises and realization of the project “Atlas of new research based on EconLit (2006-2013)” in 19 volumes. This is a part of series of digital books “Innovative Bibliometric Analysis in Economics”. Each volume is devoted to one of the general categories of JEL subject classification and contains a set of tables. These tables include the collection of bibliometric indicators that characterize the changes in JEL general categories in 2006–2013 from the point of view 20 macro, 127 meso, and 822 micro categories. The main achievement consists in presentation of new research on the intersections of the JEL subject micro categories with bibliographic information and abstracts concerning the first works on the new intersections.
5. This section describes the usage of our methods and EconLit, and the other bibliometric tools and databases (Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO, SSRN, etc.) in the obligatory courses for the undergraduate and graduate students at the Novosibirsk State University. A special significance is payed to application of bibliometrics in dissertations and economic research.Keywords:
Economics, bibliometrics, education, research, new directions.