Siberian Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN14 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 6384-6388
ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 7-9 July, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Russia is the multinational country. At last years the labor and in-migration has been growing in Russia. This requires the solution of the problem of the integration of migrants, representatives of different cultures in the prevailing society. Important role in this process belongs to the school.

The educational space of poly-cultural school must satisfy such requirements:
• reflection in the training and extracurricular space of the humanistic ideas of freedom and nonviolence, the respect for cultural variety, faith in the good forces of each child;
• the enrichment of the content of curricula and entire space of school life by the poly-cultural content
• the competence of teacher, support to the special feature of the culture of different children, the ability to organize the cooperation of the children of different cultural groups for the joint creative activity
• The familiarizing of students with the world culture, development in the variety of the world cultures of general elements - good, peace.

G.D. Dmitriev separates the following levels in the formation of the tolerance of the personality:
1. Initial, on which occurs the detection and the acknowledgement of the presence of cultural differences, and also differences in the appearance, the language, the manners of behavior
2. Understanding and the adoption of another culture which assumed study and rendering of support to the cultural differences, with which the children come into the school. It is important so that the teacher would understand that the perception by the student of training material depends on his individual training style, conditions of vital activity, existing of the life experience of child, value of formation in his culture.
3. Respect for cultural differences, which assumes the appreciation of cultural differences. At this level being studied and the teachers must assume cultural differences, and develop interaction and collaboration.
4. Affirmation of cultural differences, proceeding in the process of activity on the basis of standards and values of the culture of the student.

The socio-cultural competence of teacher is manifested in his ability:
• to see the general elements “its” and “stranger”;
• to understand and to accept the differences between “the stranger” and “our” as the natural and therefore noteworthy and adoption;
• find concrete methods and approaches, with the aid of which this can be carried out.
• Training of teachers for the work in the poly-cultural school includes the following elements:
• development of positive self-concept, strengthening its own ethnic identity, the realization of the deep bases of its own ethnic culture;
• development of empathy, sensitivity to the personal manifestations of other people;
• development of the communicative competence of the teachers;
• development of the organizational habits of the teachers;
• development of capability for non-value relation to the people;
• development of the habits of reflection and introspection;
• study of the bases of culture, language, history, traditions, customs, skill of different cultures, presented in the class/in the school;
• mastery of the technologies of teaching taking into account the multi-cultural composition of class.
Teacher, education, poly-cultural school, cultural, socio-cultural competence, study, student of training.