University of the Basque Country (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN09 Proceedings
Publication year: 2009
Pages: 2619-2628
ISBN: 978-84-612-9801-3
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 1st International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2009
Location: Barcelona ,Spain
1. Purpose
The current audiovisual scene is being transformed by a constant migration of contents through different media. Television, key reference in audiovisual production and consumption, is viewing menaced his privileged position by emergent ways of relation with audiovisual contents and narrations. The new networking systems and social television networks, podcasting procedures and interactivities, on line television platforms and streaming procedures and the hosting of audiovisual contents with the added services of user self-creation of channels have reshaped the reception conditions and the access to the audiovisual offer.
The logical and causal bows that used to ensure the cohesion and closure of the traditional tale are suffering a progressive breakup. The new narrative forms have intensified the fragmentation process with a growing tendency for discontinuity, serialization and recurrence that characterized the television of the nineties.
This narrative drift is claiming a reformulation of the heuristics and contextual competences necessary to develop the representation of the construction processes of meaning done by the spectator. The pedagogical treatment of these competences is compromised with the identification, analysis and interpretation of the communicational strategies that construct and prefigure the spectator’s work.
2. Methodology
From a communicational perspective, the study of the narrative transformations implies analyzing the way the audiovisual text constructs and prefigures his spectator. The model of subject towards whom it is aimed and with whom it wants to establish an especial dialogue will try to educate its competence and activity across the tale in a propaedeutic manner. This semio-pragmatics approach to the audiovisual text allows questioning the way the text constructs the significant structures. Moreover, it will help to unveil the way that these structures orientate the subsequent spectators activities in the reception of future similar texts.
3. Findings
Recent audience studies agree that the infant-juvenile audiences are migrating towards the social networks where they no longer passively receive the contents, but they actively question, select, value and exchange online contents. These new audiences interact with the content, actively reshaping the constructive mechanisms of the meaning about themselves. In this scene of autotelic and community actions, the exchanged texts of the web are transformed into the source of a shared encyclopaedia. This is a communicational context in which the meaning of a text is actively negotiated and agreed by its actual users. It is not anymore about the illusion of a transfer of significations between an issuer and a receiver, but about the appropriation of the meaning by the community of spectators.
4. Originality/Value of paper
This study tackles the newly enclosed communicational subject of the transformations that are being held in audiovisual narrative as a consequence of the intense migration and hybridation of the contents between different displays and communication media, from an educational and critical point of view. Moreover, we aim to offer a semio-pragmatic analysis model of the audiovisual contents that is attentive towards the way the texts question and develop the communicational competence of the spectator and orientate the operations of attribution of meaning involved in the television experience.
communication, audiovisual, narrative, competence, learning.