1 University of Granada, School of Pharmacy (SPAIN)
2 University of Granada, School of Medicine (SPAIN)
3 University of Granada, Faculty of Education Sciences (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 282-286
ISBN: 978-84-616-2661-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-5 March, 2013
Location: Valencia, Spain
The “university tutorial function” is now being considered a very important tool to the education given at the University. The College Student Status have defined the need for a tutor that every student have during the studies at the University. Tutorial Action Plans (TAP) aimed to fulfill this need, i.e., at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada. In fact, TAP is a key-tool that significantly contribute to the whole and integrative education of university students.

1.- Design the TAP entitled “FARMAEMPLEO, NUTRIEMPLEO, TECNOEMPLEO” at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Granada (Spain).
2.- Capture the interest of University students belonging to the last two years of the degrees in Pharmacy, Nutrition, and Science and Food Technology.
3.- Develop flow relationships with the Faculty, Institution, and other national and international Institutions.
4.- Organization of specific workshops and seminars on professional opportunities

Description of the experience:
We perfectly defined the structure of the TAP on the basis of the division of team member tasks in working groups, so that each professor/tutor will be responsible for at least one of the activities being proposed. It was also aimed to encourage new relationships with the Faculty, University, companies, and national and international Administrations (e.g., public schools and companies).
The most significant activities introduced in the TAP were: i) presentation and diffusion of the TAP (professional skills of each Degree, etc.); ii) organization of workshops on the careers associated to the Degrees; iii) training opportunities for the employment offered by the University; iv) workshops for the development of skills and abilities focused on job search; v) creating web page associated to the Faculty of Pharmacy; and, vi) organization of companies that offer forums work.

The TAP has initially been designed as a complementary activity for “tutoring and the guidance in higher education”. This initiative is promoted and supported by the of the University of Granada. The structure of the TAP has successfully been developed during the academic course 2011-2012. All the previously described main activities were carried out satisfactorily by using the proper infrastructure required for them.
The webpage has been the main interface of up-to dated information for the students, Moreover, after the period of application of this PAT we have evaluated its success through internal assessment surveys, which highlight the curricular materials, activities and overall assessments of global TAP. An analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) has been performed with whole information in order to improve the next edition of this TAP, which has received new funding and supports from our University for the academic year 2012/2013.

The balance sheet, was very positive, since has allowed focusing and guiding students in achieving the different skills goal marked at the beginning of the TAP, which are essential in the personal and professional outcomes.
The impact of the TAP activities planned and carried out has been evaluated very positively by the persons involved, students, teachers and external evaluators, thus the TAP constitutes a valid and valuable tool in the context of University tutorial function.
University tutorial function, Professional opportunities.