1 Universitat de Barcelona (SPAIN)
2 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 8624-8630
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.2137
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
The evolution of educational theories in recent years, as well as the emergence of new pedagogical strategies related to learning processes, require attention to research on the configuration and organization of learning spaces (Byers, 2015; Barret, Zhang et al, 2015; Cuban, 2010; 2004; Tyack and Tobin, 1994).

Several reports written by international organizations such as OECD or European Commission (Istance, Salgado and Shadoian-Gersing, 2013; Hanna, David and Francisco, 2010) consider that the improvement of education happens, among other factors, by a different organization and less rigid schedule and space in educational institutions. Recent academic research show how some of the factors related to the change in the organization, operation, use, etc., of the educational space have a positive influence on academic results (Baeta, Pedro, 2018; Barret, Zhang et al, 2015; Kontturi, 2013; Kangas, 2013). So far, although there is not a single model for the definition of the perfect learning space (Wall, 2016), the theoretical review carried out show three dimensions of key analysis for its conceptual design: the pedagogical, environmental and technological dimension.

This paper shows the results of an investigation that aims to analyze the knowledge, preferences, perceptions and needs of teachers regarding the configuration of the classroom as a learning space that responds to an innovative teaching and learning process with ICT integration. To this end, a quantitative study was carried out using the survey method of a sample of 847 teachers from primary and secondary schools in Catalonia (representative of the population of teachers studied with a margin of error of ± 3.5, for a level 95.5% confidence in infinite populations, where p and q are equal)

The results show that teachers perceive that their classrooms allow them to implement different teaching methodologies, but the possibilities could be much greater to move from teacher-led learning to self-directed learning by the student, reducing masterly exposure times and increasing collaborative work. On the other hand, teachers' awareness of these issues is demonstrated, with women being the most critical and sensitive in aspects related to space and pedagogies. The integration of technology (fixed, mobile, or robotic) has emerged as the least valued.

Finally, those who attribute a greater importance to all the dimensions linked to the creation and design of learning spaces are those of the most initial stages (Pre-school and Primary Education).
Learning spaces, Teachers’ perception, technology, pedagogy, pedagogical innovations, space design.