Don State Technical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 2287-2291
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.0548
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The relevance of this work is determined by current trends in educational policy related to increasing role of project activities for teachers and increasing requirements for teacher education in terms of providing teachers with additional technologies for continuing education.
The purpose of our research is to develop a technology for continuous training of foreign language teachers for professional activities based on teaching them pedagogical design, which provides effective training for the implementation of professional competence and improves their professional literacy in the course of work.
The objectives of the research are to obtain data on the main components of professional competence of foreign language teachers, select methods of pedagogical design and create educational content for combining it all into stages of technology for continuous training of foreign language teachers for professional activities based on teaching them pedagogical design.
The research methodology is based on personality-oriented, meaning-activity and competence-based approaches to training foreign language teachers. The main source for obtaining the results and achieving the goal of our research is using the means of pedagogical design for making on their basis a pedagogical technology for continuous training of foreign language teachers in the course of their professional activities. As the means of obtaining the necessary data, testing was conducted to identify the level of formation of professionally significant qualities of foreign language teachers. Two groups of participants were selected for the experiment. In the first group, training was conducted using traditional methods of teacher development, and in the second - using a new technology of continuous training of foreign language teachers for professional activities based on training them in pedagogical design. The study involved 540 teachers from 17 schools (private and public) and eight colleges, 57 master's students and 115 undergraduate students. The developed technology allowed the participants of the second group to master the independent design of their professional and personal development in more detail, which was reflected in the final survey of both groups. 91% of the study participants in the second group highly evaluated the skills acquired through the technology of continuous training of foreign language teachers for professional activities based on teaching them pedagogical design.
The conclusions obtained during the experimental part of the study allowed us to highlight particularly important project skills for continuous training of foreign language teachers, such as: striving for further professional growth and self-improvement; having knowledge of methods and technologies for designing professional and personal growth; using ways to guide self-education, professional and personal self-development; designing one’s own educational trajectory; continuous monitoring of their professional activities.
As a result, qualitative and quantitative data were obtained on the level of the main components of professional competence of the participants. Using the methods of pedagogical design and methods of selecting educational content, which are the main components of the developed technology, individual educational strategies were designed for correction and further professional and personal self-improvement of teachers.
teacher training, foreign language teaching, pedagogical design, professional training, continuous education