1 Don State Technical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Novosibirsk Teacher Upgrading and Retraining Institute (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 7420-7423
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1986
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
The most urgent problem of foreign language teaching now is connected with providing effective resources designed for developing functional literacy of the humanities students. The thing is that foreign language education has lost the most important characteristics of any kind of education inner or organization such as possessing a system, a structure, a content, techniques for students intellectual development and methods of teaching. At present, gradually, the situation is changing. And in this process of retrieving some education typical features we see our main goal that would lead to constructing qualitatively effective system of foreign language education organization. To reach this goal we should inevitably solve a number of assignments that would form the base, the foundation constructed of many components and approaches glued together. They would form something like the educational frameworks of foreign language teaching joining the achievements of many sciences – pedagogy (didactics and upbringing), linguadidactics (educational techniques) linguistics, psychology (intellectual personality development, creativity development), methods of foreign language teaching.

We worked out educational frameworks that might constitute a new approach to developing a new system of foreign language teaching as we see it.

All frameworks base on teaching content phenomena being treated from various aspects:
- Framework One. Content selection meeting requirements of main pedagogical questions.
- Framework Two. Content selection for realizing four types of interaction between the participants of an educational process.
- Framework Three. Intellectual development as the ability to produce intellectual operations.
- Framework Four. Content selection giving the possibility to change any student’s personality in the process of cognition organized in the following sequence: teaching-learning-acquiring knowledge, skills, habits, competencies-developing-self developing (self-education, self-regulation, self-actualization).
- Framework Five. Content selection bringing up a personality due to some standards: culture – education - national traditions – spirituality – morals – intellectual qualities.
- Framework Six. Content selection suitable for creativity development: intention – ideas appearing – creative theory production – innovative products - creation intention – practical innovative products making.
- Framework Seven. Content selection for realizing different methods of teaching that are understood as an instrument of pedagogical technology realization.

Thus, the didactic concept of foreign language teaching organization is connected with obtaining a profound, solid, firm system of its frameworks joined together. Our created scientific school has been functioning since 2005. Its existence confirmed the effectiveness of our technique. The goal of modern foreign language learning lies in developing educational competence and professional competence of the students in the course of their learning along the autonomously worked out individual educational trajectory for everybody. This leads the educational process to creating the new educational culture of students based on the need in acquiring life-long education, on the wish to build up the professional careers on grounds, that facilitates self-management and self-development of the students.
Language learning, educational technology, didactic concept, transferable skills.