1 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (ARGENTINA)
2 Universidad de Salamanca (SPAIN)
3 Universidad Pontificia Comillas (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2014 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Pages: 6037-6046
ISBN: 978-84-616-8412-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 10-12 March, 2014
Location: Valencia, Spain
In educational practices, the classroom is the natural setting where relationships that give meaning to the process of teaching and learning, unfold. There, concrete subjects in constant interaction produce exchange knowledge about meanings that connote the relationship between teachers, students and knowledge. In this context, assessment practices shape and condition much of the links established in the classroom.
In Higher Education, it is common that assessment processes are linked to a system of legitimation of knowledge, ie they become instruments of accreditation. The memoristic tasks is valued, from the deeply rooted concept that training in solving a good number of exercises, in the area of Mathematics, for example, allows for a more consolidated learning.

In a few cases, the evaluation is intended to determine whether the student was able to appropriate the mental processes that enable problem solving situations.
In addition, it should be noted that in very few cases is carried out a post-assessment feedback. Instances of recovery tests are new opportunities to demonstrate whether they have acquired the knowledge requested, usually without a prior stage of reflection on mistakes.
In contrast, it is possible to conceive and design the evaluation as inherent in teaching and learning process, which is directly linked to help or hinder the relationship of the student with knowledge. This conceptualization assigns assessment the task to interrogate and problematize the progress of education in terms of a properly articulation with the learning process of students.

The innovation on the educational process, including multimedia didactic means, demands not only teachers´update but also new activities to develop the process including the appropriate use of the Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) managing. Research and experiences are currently being carried out at diferent universities with the goal to find out what use teachers make of these tools and the specific competencies that their students have to acquire for making effective use of them.
As part of our research on ICT integration in Higher Education, we have worked on assessment in the new technological scenarios and we will describe our experience.

The possibilities of LCMS, in particular MOODLE, allows:
- the development of e-multimedia tests, using, for example, Hot Potatoes applications, to be solved by the students in any place and any time.
- The development of Web-exercises and Web-questionnaire that students can work on while also receiving feedback that will direct them towards correct answers.
After running the quoted tools we have paid special attention to the contribution to the learning process using these tools. Next experiences will be devoted to enhancing the positive aspects and avoiding the negative ones.
Assessment, new technological scenarios, e-multimedia test.