1 Liepaja University (LATVIA)
2 Liepaja University, Institute of Educational Sciences (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 16-18 November, 2017
Location: Seville, Spain
The rapid rhythm of life and its changes claim an ability to adapt for it. New competences necessary for an individual are being defined, so that they could integrate successfully in the whole background of the community, would be able to provide own wellbeing, increase comprehensive aspects of their life quality with a goal to provide development of the society in general. The quality of human life is determined by human capacity, it is a set of features, abilities and actions which enable the individual to form a life and self-realization model suitable for themselves in the desired direction. Life quality is created in daily life. Capacity is related to goal setting, choices and practical work.
Realization is awareness, cognitive action; actualization means action as a process, power consumption (from Latin actus- action) which has an essential outcome. The term self-realization means the cognitive aspects of thinking, action, theoretical action and work in the internal aspect. Self-realization is expressed in the I concept formation, correction and transformation, including the “Ideal I”, awareness of the world’s image and life plan, as well as the outcomes of the previous action. Thus self-actualization and self-realization are two integral parts of one process, development and growth process, and due to it there is a human being who has unfolded maximally and applied their human potential – self-actualized personality.
Nowadays in the higher education system it is essential to develop in students such urgent life skills as initiative, creative thinking, skill to work in team, analytical and organizational skills, thus increasing their potential competitiveness in labour market. Students’ adequate emotionally assessing attitude towards themselves has got a special importance, for it is the base for manifestations of human action, self-actualization, which determines the individual’s behavioural model and manifestations in the particular situations, sets the tasks which students intend to implement in their life and what kind of tasks they feel like being able to implement. Self-actualization helps them to be aware of their place in life, it is the base for decision making, implementation of an active life position.
Aim of the research: study the factors affecting students’ competitiveness in labour market.
Methodology and results: Based on the analysis of the literature, controversy has been assessed between the knowledge, skills, competences acquired by the next employee at the university and those really needed by the company, institution. The analysis of the student survey results reveals the factors influencing the formation of competences acquired in the education process, emphasizing knowledge, experience, values and attitudes. The research confirms that in a higher education institution it is necessary to create preconditions for independent and creative, responsible and productive work of students, to ensure the acquisition of the necessary knowledge according to the qualification acquired, to develop each student's professional skills, skills, creating conditions for students' professional development opportunities. Keywords:
Students, study process, self-actualization, self-realization, human capacity.