University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski" (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 11777-11783
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.2460
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The implementation of inclusive education requires removing the barriers to teaching and learning for students with SEN, presence and participation in all forms of school life. How is inclusive education for students with SEN implemented during COVID 19, when most students with SEN are distance learning? Can inclusive education be distance learning? The skepticism of many prejudiced professionals leads to a negative answer. Because in conditions of distance learning there is social isolation witch unappealably rejects inclusive education. For the supporters of the concept of "inclusive education", its implementation as distance learning is another opportunity that has not been developed enough.

The article discusses the topics that emerge as a result of the study and examines the effectiveness of the teaching strategies for students with SEN and co-learning with family members. Many of the students with SEN have been on asynchronous learning with worksheets, while with the application of digital technologies they can successfully get involved in the work of the whole class, to realize educational and social inclusion. The article presents a possible model for inclusive education in an electronic environment. The model is presented in the article with a case study and results from a survey. The main aspects are related to the use of digital technologies, the professional competencies of teachers and the pedagogical interactions with the family. The implementation of inclusive education in distance format for students with SEN sets a number of conditions. These conditions can include a supportive educational environment in a virtual environment with the whole class and at home, personalized teaching with included elements of a therapeutic process with joint teaching and family participation. Various strategies are sought to increase the interest and motivation of students with SEN to learn based on the application of the universal learning design.

Despite the difficulties and the initial denial, inclusive education for students with SEN in an electronic environment is mission possible.
Inclusive education, SEN, COVID 19.