Petrozavodsk State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 1554-1560
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0356
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The purpose of the article is to analyze the main scientific sources in the training of man-agers in system thinking in the 21st century. Researchers and popularizers of cutting-edge ideas in management have different views on teaching a systemic approach. Some of them emphasize the use of mathematical models, others - the development of the creative abilities of future man-agers. According to the author of the article, today business education has all the prerequisites for "systemically" teaching systemic thinking. To do so, however, system thinking training must include two basic sections. First, students should study the history of the development of systemic thinking.

Due to this, they will better understand the laws in the development of system thinking, since the stages of individual training in the system approach largely repeat the stages of devel-opment of the entire system methodology in the twentieth century. Secondly, a section must be included in modern courses and training programs for managers, which at the system level ex-plains the reasons for cardinal changes in the life of society and business. This is due to the fact that most training courses and programs are based on the methodology of training in systemic thinking at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The global financial and economic crisis of 2008, the Covid 19 pandemic, growing environmental and social problems show that training in systemic thinking must be carried out in accordance with fundamentally new requirements.

The article resulted in the author's proposals on the content of these two sections.

Firstly, based on the study of basic works on the system methodology, an author's classi-fication of key stages of the development of the system approach is proposed.

Secondly, to understand the fundamental changes in the world around us, it is necessary to train managers in the framework of systemic thinking, first of all, the psychological, social and ethical aspects of doing business.

At the conclusion of the article, the author notes that system thinking and its teaching should themselves be considered as open self-developing complex systems.
Training managers, systems thinking, postcapitalism.