1 Universidade de Brasília (BRAZIL)
2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (BRAZIL)
3 Instituto de Cardiologia do Distrito Federal (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 19-21
ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.0012
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
During the medical practice, various documents are generated or must be filled out, such as medical records, attestations, reports, statements and medical prescriptions. However, despite the importance of medical documents the existence of several publications with norms on their fulfillment, in general, during the training of the medical practitioners, students are misguided about the proper completion of these documents, since the (multipliers) of information or lack of knowledge, awareness, continuous education, or even censorship and inspection, carrie out are scant, incomplete, incorrect, sometimes incomprehensible to the patient and family, and often insufficient. The lack or insufficiency of registration among other problems, hinders the correct follow-up of the patient and the subsequent reassessments by others professionals, makes it difficult to understand medication administration by the team and patient; and compromises the understanding of other procedures that have been performed and not prescribed. Therefore, knowledge about the correct use, prescription and medical documents makes it possible to improve the physician-patient relationship, since it improves the understanding of the patient's family and the patient about their health condition and how procedures will be: clinical, surgical, laboratory and treatment. In this context, the College of Medicine of UnB has been striving to expand health education activities, through changes in the process of professional training, among them supporting the incorporation of methodologies such as Distance Learning (DL).

1) To know the ethical-legal responsibilities related to filling out medical documents;
2) To understand the importance of these documents in the work process;
3) The adequate and timely completion of the following documents: Records, certificates, reports, prescriptions, reference / referral documents and expertise.

The Medical Documents online course was developed by professors of the College of Medicine of the University of Brasília and is composed of five didactic units: Medical Records and Family Records; Medical Prescription of Drugs; Attestations, reports and statements; Death certificate; Referrals and request procedures.

Medical Documents online course was created from a partnership with the Ministry of Health through an agreement with the Open University System of the Unified Health System - UNA-SUS. Was created in a format called PPU and groups different technologies such as HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS, PHP, JSON Moodle virtual learning environment, animated videos, virtual library with complementary materials and periodical scientific articles from the medical field.

The online course is in the first pilot phase, and in this first class there are 70 vacancies for undergraduates, 50 for interns of the College of Medicine of UnB and 50 for residents of the university hospital (HUB) of the University of Brasilia (UnB) will be offered.

The Medical Doctors online course, in its first offer, seems to consistently cater to a sample of medical professionals from Brazilian health systems, as well as students of medical courses, mainly from the College of Medicine of the University of Brasília. Its format facilitates access through computers, tablets and cell phones, given the technologies and architecture of pedagogical didactic information, circumstances that can result in a good use by the students.
e-learning in medicine, Medical documents, Distance Education.