1 Berufliche Schule St. Pauli BS 11 (GERMANY)
2 Universität Hamburg (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4148-4154
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1072
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The symbiotic relationship between technology, pedagogy and learning subject is continuously evolving, embracing the latest trends and innovations, which impact education across all disciplines. The accessibility and flexibility in teaching and learning are also diminishing the lines between classroom-based instruction and virtual learning, formal and informal learning, and learning at home and at school. Accordingly, digital learning is to become an important resource for all teachers and students to sustain as well as augment instruction within and beyond traditional classroom walls.

The utilization of current technical and pedagogical possibilities still falls significantly short of what is conceivable and would be purposeful. For instance, Lemke, Augsdörfer, Bower, and Siemon demonstrate that only approximately one-third of the digital skills outlined in the European competence framework for digital teaching (DigCompEdu, Redecker, 2017) are visibly applied in the classroom to a relevant extent (> 5%). Furthermore, these predominantly involve relatively general and less demanding activities, such as information research or the use of worksheets via digital tools. More intricate objectives of the competency framework, such as teaching digital literacy, fostering student collaboration, or solving problems using digital systems, are seldom or not observed at all. Lemke et al. also reveal a moderate to strong correlation between teachers' digital competencies and the integration of technological, pedagogical, and subject content knowledge (TPACK, Mishra et al., 2013).

To improve the utilization of the current technical and pedagogical possibilities in schools, a comprehensive strategy is of vital importance. The following best practice has been developed and implemented at the vocational school St. Pauli in Hamburg, Germany. This school is working continuously on the holistic provision and integration of a digital infrastructure for students and teachers. To ensure this, four stages of digitalization have been identified that build on each other. While stage one comprises of the provision of digital devices, such as interactive whiteboards, set-top boxes, notebooks, tablets as well as BYOD in the classroom, stage two guarantees (remote) access to a cloud-based school platform.

Furthermore, the third stage includes and provides digital classroom management, a knowledge-based resource system for the collaboration and exchange between teachers and an online school administration program.

However, in order to develop students’ digital und data literacy stage four provides content specific digital tools, e. g., students have free access to programming classes (Python), can learn how to create tutorial videos or how to apply the flipped classroom method.
The four stages of digitalization have been realized and are in effect. In close cooperation with the University of Hamburg, a design-based research approach will now continue to identify future potentials.

[1] C. Redecker, European framework for the digital competence of educators. DigCompEdu, Publications Office, Luxembourg 2017.
[2] M.J. Koehler, P. Mishra, and W. Cain, “What is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)?”, Journal of Education 193 (3), 13–19 (2013).
[3] N. Lemke, A. Augsdörfer, M. Bower and J. Siemon, Digitalization of teaching at vocational schools: which competencies do teachers show and which knowledge do they apply?, in preparation.
Digitalization, Digital Literacy, Vocational School, Education, Pedagogy, Virtual Learning, Digital Learning, TPACK, Digital Device, Interactive Whiteboard.