”Carol I” National Defence University (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5194-5201
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.1129
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The emergence of artificial intelligence, even if at this time we can speak of a history of over 60 years already, began to produce significant effects only in the last decade, especially against the background of rapid progress in machine learning and automated learning, overlapping the growing computing capacity and accessibility of data and information. In general, intelligence is characterized by the ability to solve problems and the field of artificial intelligence is concerned with the creation of digital systems capable of performing tasks that were previously performed through human cognitive and creative processes.
At the moment, it is estimated that the most advanced artificial intelligence is available to the research centers of Google and Facebook, which, through the developed algorithms, provide personalized information to all users. Starting from the hypothesis that technologies and artificial intelligence have a high capacity to change human perception of the environment, having the ability to collect data to produce information and provide knowledge, being often considered true agents producing radical changes and even mutations in the traditional learning environment, we can identify a number of applications that produce effects in the field of military education. In the context of the latest challenges posed by the current COVID 19 pandemic situation, a legitimate question arises: to what extent can we use the strengths of artificial intelligence and technology in education?
In the National Defense University "Carol I" the learning process involves an e-Learning platform ( and a Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation (JCATS) system. The JCATS system can be used for both testing different courses of action and developing new ones, having the ability to learn based on external parameters and experiments performed. In this regard, the main objective of the research is to identify and solve the challenges of connecting both platforms, so that we can provide our students with learning experiences similar with face-to-face experiences, considering current pandemic context, also using the system's ability to generate new scenarios.
In developing the study, we are using both heuristic methodologies of scientific research, given the novelty and the multitude of disciplines involved, and classical methods of scientific research, such as observation, experiment or even the evolutionary method.
The result of the study might lead us to a new paradigm in the field of military education, considering that, at this time, this niche of education has a relatively conservative character. Observing the multitude of applications of artificial intelligence, can we talk in the near future about the "robot teacher", who will give lectures, conferences or mediate debates?
We consider that it is important to harmonize the development of artificial intelligence with the adaptation of education, including military education, in order to effectively and synergistically capitalize on human judgment and conscience, on the one hand, and technological results, on the other. Otherwise, we may witness in the future the erroneous and inefficient use of artificial intelligence by untrained personnel, who will wait for the solution offered by the computer and implement it, without having the ability to understand the mechanism of obtaining that solution and its probable needed adjustments and efficiency.
Artificial intelligence, military education, benefits, limitations.