I-Shou University (TAIWAN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2012 Proceedings
Publication year: 2012
Pages: 250-255
ISBN: 978-84-615-5563-5
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2012
Location: Valencia, Spain
In order to catch up with the multimedia trend for Taiwanese English learners, digital storytelling is a feasible approach involved in instruction design (Heise & Grandgenett, 1996). Digital storytelling is defined as a kind of multimedia application, which integrates photographs, text, images, animation and sounds through information communication technology for human interaction (Meadows,2003). Literature review just reveals three educational functions of story narration, including improving language learning, forming thinking framework, and organizing cues in content (Malin, 2010). This approach, which focuses more on speaking and listening rather than reading, can enhance the traditional pedagogy of English teaching in Taiwan. This study examines how to implement digital storytelling in teaching practice via a case. Two primary research objectives include: “what are practical barriers of implementing digital storytelling in class?” and “what strategies can engage students with digital storytelling in English class?”
In this case, the researchers collaborated with a junior high school with an overseas exchange program, which prepare 22 participants, 7th grad students, to visit the sister school in Australia. Two kinds of digital storytelling technology were involved in instructional design by the teacher. The former is an online platform which allows the students to record their oral narration. The latter is digital photos the students took in group to introduce the attractions of their hometown. Semi-structured interviews, document reviews and observation were the primary methods for data collection. The final results indicated that the practical barriers for implementing digital storytelling in English class included technological issues, communication issues, instructional issues and motivational issues. In terms of practical strategies for engaging students in learning, four ways were analyzed: technology preparation, objective clarification, simplified instruction, Reinforcement incentives.
Digital storytelling, English oral competence.