Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 2044-2049
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0515
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
In the modern educational environment Learning by Doing in which a real product with an applied nature is created, is gaining more and more importance. This type of practical learning expresses several tendencies: interdisciplinarity; increased research activity of young people by involving them in experiments that give the opportunity to reach the expected results in their own way; encouraging creativity in presenting the results of research activity; formation of teamwork skills; skills for media presentation adequate to the environment and the purpose of media performance.

The present text offers information about the result of a creative experiment conducted with students from the educational and research laboratory of ‘Cultural-Historical Heritage’ in the Silistra Branch of the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, which has been created under the Scientific Research Fund aiming at uniting and encouraging the students with interests in the field of humanitarian studies (Specialty: ‘Bulgarian Language and Foreign Language).

The established working group is engaged in various initiatives that form and develop a number of practical skills in students - project work, team work, field work, research skills, creation of scientific text or artifacts (exhibitions, newspapers, presentations, videos, films), presentation of the achieved results, public activity. These skills are applicable in the realization of their specific duties, as well as they are extremely useful in their work as future teachers, because a large part of the activities are carried out in partnership with various cultural and educational institutions.

In 2021 the students of the research group have created a film named ‘130 Years of Pedagogical Education in Silistra’, the purpose of which is to preserve the memory of the educational work and to popularize the achievements of its first creators, in which the information about the event has been creatively presented as a result of the work on a Project based on experiential learning. Researching historical information has required interactive learning as well as combining an interdisciplinary and cultural approach.

The materials collected as a result of work in archives, museums, libraries, galleries have been digitized. The photographic and textual material has been creatively thought out and presented in the form of a film – the result of active learning and working in an informal environment where the humanitarian’s activities have been combined with technological skills. The created art product is an expression of the desire to develop the communicative, social and cultural and digital competences of young people - basic in modern humanitarian education.

The film is addressed not only to specialists in the field of pedagogical education but also to the general audience. In creating this product the result of a research and creative activity based on Learning by Doing the young people had the opportunity to show their best qualities as researchers, analysts and creators and to manifest the freedom of their thought in creating a digital narrative for an extraordinary important event related to their future professional realization.
Education, interactive, interdisciplinary, innovative, cultural –historical heritage, learning by doing.