University of Latvia (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 7062-7070
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1591
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Learning is not simply a result of knowledge, it is a process within, complex interrelationships, which affects the whole person. The Theory of learning culture (LC) describes learning as an individual and social process, which cannot be separated from the environment (situations, practices - complex social and cultural system) in which it is implemented. It is influenced by institutional and social .structures etc. and the role of the power on the institutional and micropolitical level should be taken into account during process of learning. The theory unites two tasks: to understand the interaction of which factors influence (restricts, promotes) the pupils possibilities to learn and explain how individuals learn under the influence of the identified factors

Social practices in which a person learns through participation is the key term of LC theory: practice is formed by actions, dispositions and interpretations and it can be dual - demonstrate one direction but achieve other misrecognized influences.

The research, describing school culture and social practices, which promotes or inhibits learning, was caried out twice within 10 years The data collection includes two methods - partly structured and unstructured interviews and observations, which were done presently and 10 years prior. Data analysis carried out 10 years ago was based on a grounded theory and included five activities: getting acquainted with data; categorising, comparison, interpretation, reflection.

Data, gained during recent years was analysed by the same steps, but not within the process of data collection.. Theories chosen as the theoretical basis were equally important in the data analysis process, key statements LC as well as Bourdieu epistemological concepts about field, habitus and culture. The data obtained 10 years ago was compared with more recent findings identifying practices that are constant or changing.

This piece of work describes practice which has settled in the culture over 10 years and limits everyones learning as well as implementations of curriculum reform in general education. The practice defines that the main aim of learning is to receive high academic achievement in examinations and olimpiades. The attainment of these aims can be identified in the “school ranking” done by the members of the society/local authorities as well as the schools themselves. Thus schools, as well as pupils, are divided in groups – “the best” and “the others”.

Looking wider, the ratings have influenced the view in society that academic achievement is the key indicator characterising the quality of education thus allowing teachers to concentrate on obtaining achievements. The described practice restricts the introduction of innovative solutions in schools placing the issue of a good school image, resources and pupils who are supported by parents with different forms of capital in the centre. Even more – performance oriented goals and following practices are associated with pure learning related outcomes.
Learning culture, practices, curriculum reform.