Vytautas Magnus University (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1943-1948
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0562
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
In this article, we investigate the issues related to the effectiveness of teacher qualification improvement programs. We present a four-level Learning Transfer into Practice monitoring model, based on the essential insights of Thalheimer's (Thalheimer, 2022) Learning Transfer Evaluation model. Our model highlights the indicators of qualification improvement programs’ effectiveness. An effective qualification improvement program creates the necessary conditions for learning transfer into pedagogical practice.
A case study of the X qualification improvement program was carried out by using a written survey method. The research participants were 30 teachers from one school community who participated in the qualification improvement program. The study was carried out remotely. The participants completed two questionnaires: the first one immediately after the training, and the second 3 weeks after. The questionnaires were based on the Learning Transfer into Practice monitoring model, and according to W. Thalheimer (2022), if the learner does not transfer the learning into practice immediately after the learning event or soon, the probability that the learning will be transferred later decreases significantly.
Based on available theoretical data, we conclude that an effective qualification improvement program is a program that creates prerequisites for the learning transfer into pedagogical practice, i.e. by changing personal pedagogical activities, the teacher has a positive effect on the students' learning achievements and the maturity of their personality.
Our proposed Learning Transfer into Practice monitoring model can be divided into four stages:
(i) preparation for a specific learning situation;
(ii) creation of a learning situation during which the learner prepares for the learning transfer into practice;
(iii) transfer of learning experience into practice; and (iv) highlighting the impact of the learning transfer.
Results of the empirical study demonstrate that the model creates prerequisites for the monitoring and evaluation of qualification improvement programs. By analyzing all stages of the model, we assessed whether the training program helps to prepare for learning transfer, whether learning is transferred into practice, whether the impact of learning transfer is recorded and whether the training program was effective. Examining the key factors at each stage helps to highlight at which stage, and which factors caused problems and why the learning program was not effective enough. Importantly, such assessment generates recommendations for improving the program and provides the basis for a creation of new guidelines for the lecturer, the program organizer, the learner's organizations and the learners themselves.
Learning transfer, monitoring of qualification improvement program, professional development.