1 Universidad Autonoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Informatica (MEXICO)
2 Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Lab. GTI. Facultad de Contaduría y Administración (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN13 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 1522-1528
ISBN: 978-84-616-3822-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2013
Location: Barcelona, Spain
The pedagogical robotics model is a project that seeks to provide answers and alternatives to the educational model in Mexico. Stepping out of the traditional model of memorization and proposing a model that promotes the following key features. Learning by Doing, working in a teamwork framework, with creativity and doing it in a fun way. An important ingredient in the model is maintaining the student interest for improving himself, this is achieved through competitions or tournaments in which the student must demonstrate his acquired knowledge and skills competing against other student teams.
The pedagogical robotics model seeks to impact on technology development in Mexico by promoting and encouraging children and youth of Mexico to find the taste and like applied mathematics and physics. The model creates an impact on the development of Mexico, in the first instance allows the opportunity for children and young people to have an interest in applied mathematics and physics. This will result in a greater number of students being involved in learning spaces in these areas, which would facilitate them to create mental models and structures to identify, analyze, combine, understand and develop skills of critical thinking. In addition the project will allow a greater number of students entering the engineering and technology areas, where the skills developed through pedagogical robotics would help them create their own knowledge. This knowledge generated in their practice of constructivism gives them the confidence to create new objects and technological breakthrough that can be patented. Thus eventually achieving an impact on Mexico´s technological development.
The pedagogical robotics model promotes a set of values associated with each of the main features that make the model. In the part of constructivism where students learn by doing they do so working with enthusiasm and efficiency, listening actively to their surroundings and teammates, working with perseverance to achieve their goals. The proposed Learning space requires teamwork where each and every one of the members must demonstrate commitment, tolerance and responsibility in doing their work, recognizing that the world in which we have to live, it is very important to do their work and arrive to work on time and always express gratitude and respect for their teammates, because we can improve and we are what we are, thanks to the people with whom we interact. Creativity is a skill and also a very important value in the model, which promotes the values of curiosity and imagination in a context of simplicity and ongoing critique of the world around them and the models they construct to represent the different mechanisms and robots. Besides all that, work is presented in a fun way, in a context of friendship, joy and play, where the study done with all these features makes that students achieved levels of learning, comprehension and retention greater than 75% in the Learning Pyramid. Finally the model promotes students to prepare for tournaments or competitions and compete with patience, honesty, courteous and recognizing the result of their acts with humility.
Pedagogical Robotics, Learn by Doing, Teamwork, Creativity, Values.