1 Flight Academy of the National Aviation University (UKRAINE)
2 V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine (UKRAINE)
3 SHEE “Donbas State Pedagogical University” (UKRAINE)
4 Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogics Academy (UKRAINE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3711-3721
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0891
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
In the vector of the introduction of the methodology of a transdisciplinary approach to teaching physics and professionally oriented training of future aviation specialists, it is important to develop new methods of based on STEM. The authors consider this problem as complex, which in the course of their research covers the justification of the relevance and feasibility of introducing STEM-approach (as a kind of transdisciplinary) in the educational process of higher education institutions. Since, the solution of such problems, in particular the analysis of the specifics of physical phenomena and laws, which a priori are a fundamental part of mastering any profession, is impossible within a narrow discipline.
The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate the teaching of physics based on STEM in transdisciplinary professional education and to develop appropriate methods that will provide of students with their active cognitive-exploratory, independent activities. This, in turn, helps to improve the quality of vocational education.
The concept of the research is the formation and development of STEM-competencies in future technical specialists in the process of teaching physics and outlines the principles of fundamentality based on transdisciplinarity of vocational education, taking into account the readiness of students to solve learning problems based on STEM (3-D modelling, robotics kits, 3-D printing, augmented and virtual reality, etc.).
The authors used the methods: theoretical (analysis of textbooks and publications that reflect the problem of research on STEM, clarification of ontological connections in the context of the term «transdisciplinarity»; specific pedagogical (of teaching physics that contribute to the study of modern physical scientific positions and achievements); empirical (diagnostic and sociometric methods) to determine the level of interest and activity of students in physics and professionally oriented disciplines using STEM technologies); pedagogical experiment (experimental verification of methods of teaching physics and professionally oriented disciplines based on STEM).
The reliability of scientific results and conclusions is provided by: methodology of initial positions of research, conformity of research methods to its purpose, representativeness of the sample, various approbation of basic provisions in pedagogical experiment and introduction of the developed technique of teaching physics and professionally oriented disciplines, discussion of theoretical positions and concrete results of researches among like-minded people at various scientific and practical events, etc. The total number of participants in the experimental study is 532 students (including 254 control groups and 278 – experimental). The transdisciplinary strategy of this research is outlined in the following areas: improving the content and system of professionally oriented teaching of physics, taking into account the principles of the digital age; strengthening the connection between the teaching of physics and the professional orientation of students of higher education in non-physical specialities based on a transdisciplinary approach.
The authors also emphasize the need to introduce comprehensive transdisciplinary research in the scientific and educational space based on the STEM approach and the implementation of the best results in the practice of vocational education.
Transdisciplinarity, STEM-Education, Physics, Aviation Vocational Training, Higher Education, Vocational Education, Digitalization.