PAD. DR. D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology (INDIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2011 Proceedings
Publication year: 2011
Pages: 6273-6277
ISBN: 978-84-614-7423-3
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 5th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-9 March, 2011
Location: Valencia, Spain
We are living in the Information Technology age. For a multi-lingual, Multi-Cultural country like India, computing solutions in Indian Languages was a must. A number of software packages in Indian Languages are now available.

Indian Language computing has been popular since years now.
People using Indian Language Software have always faced a few problems such as non standardisation of keyboards and font encoding. The non-compatibility of text amongst different Indian Language fonts has posed an acute problem for those using Indian Languages for Computing. Fonts for English text can be very easily changed in packages like MS Word etc, just by selecting a particular text block. However such facility is not available for Indian Languages.

Taking the example of Devnagari alone, at this moment there are more than 900 popular Devnagari font formats with keyboard layouts. A document composed with any of these fonts can not be read in MS Word or even in any other application, if the specific font is not available, leave alone editing that document. This is true with all such available fonts and formats.

There always was a strong need to overcome this practical problem.

In present days Maharashtra Government has made Marathi language compulsory in every departments and organizations and also Marathi language is used in Advertising agencies to make advertises. But it is very difficult to work with Hindi or Marathi fonts because there is no unique key mapping available for different Hindi or Marathi fonts and also no Marathi Keyboard is provided by DTP or any other organizations.

At this instance there are thousands of Hindi or Marathi fonts exists in Market, so professional type writer has to remember key mappings of each and every font and it is very difficult task for other peoples also. Today’s need is that there should be an organization which should develop an unique key mapping for Marathi fonts and also past Marathi fonts key mapping should be change to present developed font’s key mapping. Due to this it becomes easy to convert a Marathi document from one font to another font.

After surveying through various organizations which daily works with Marathi fonts, we have trapped the problem of converting document from Marathi fonts to Marathi fonts. Considering all above problems regarding Marathi fonts, we have developed this Application software known as “FONT PROCESSOR” which easily deals with Marathi documents and can perform operation like conversion of one Marathi Font to another Marathi Font, like other English font word processors for e.g. MS-Word, Open Office. It has various advantages like, it reduces load on CPU by providing efficient memory management. Currently it supports more than 900 fonts
and in future we will implement all the existing Marathi fonts. It also provide user friendly typing of Marathi fonts such that you should type spelling of Marathi word in English and you will get equivalent Marathi word in required Marathi font.

There should be software which can convert one Marathi to another Marathi font. This demand is also come from “ETH Research Lab.” which belongs to Dr. Vijay Bhatkar who is the founder of Param Super Computer.
Computing, font processor, font, Indic, language, high performance computing, digitalization, Devnagari, Hindi, indian language, language, indian.