Silesian University of Technology (POLAND)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 2582-2589
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.0606
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The epidemic situation associated with the COVID19 virus has been monitored in Poland since the beginning of 2020. The first case of infection was recorded on March 4, 2020. From March 12, 2020, sudden decisions were introduced to public life to reduce the risk of the virus spreading - all cultural and educational institutions were closed (including universities), and gastronomy, and most stores. Residents were obliged to remain in their place of residence and not move without an urgent need. The epidemic situation and government decisions surprised most of the population. They caused the necessity to transfer nearly all educational and professional activities into residential spaces. And not everyone was ready for that, especially organizationally and technologically. The paper is an attempt to approximate the experience from the transition from direct education implemented in university buildings to distance education implemented using various technical devices. Over time, the way of using individual devices (telephone, computer, tablet) and subsequent digital platforms has been refined according to the topics of tasks carried out and the type of university course. The undertaken topic will be presented on the example of artistic and design subjects, which proper implementation by a remote system is not an easy task.

Research material and research methodology:
The design and artistic tasks selected for analysis were carried out as part of the didactic classes conducted at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology, on the subjects: Basics of Interior Architecture Design, Basics of Visual Communication and Digital Creation. Depending on the level of educational sophistication of students, work with the remote system turned out to be more or less complex. The level of difficulty was also influenced by the type of work - projects implemented partly manually and partly using computer programs, artistic tasks carried out manually or artistic tasks implemented entirely using digital media. The paper will present the methodological path for the implementation of subsequent tasks, changing along with the development of the epidemic situation and sudden transition to the remote education system. The research material presented in the paper are selected design works carried out under the supervision of the authors of the paper. The presented projects will be discussed as the effects of subsequent stages of implementation in direct and remote systems. The final conclusions will be formulated by comparing the final works with similar works carried out in the traditional, face-to-face education system only.

The analyzes, based on completed didactic tasks, are aimed at pointing out the difficulties and limitations of remote education conducted at the university, in the fields of Architecture and Interior Design, where tasks requiring manual and creative work are carried out, using various artistic techniques. Direct contact is necessary in such cases. The advantages of distance education, resulting from the specificity of individual subjects, will also be pointed. Other factors to which attention will be paid are: the look of the final projects made under conditions of social isolation (no possibility of making comparisons with other participants of the course), as well as the dependence of educational activities on the availability and technical capabilities of the equipment used.
Remote teaching, artistic subjects, design subjects, higher education.