1 Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Medicine (SLOVAKIA)
2 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty hospital in Trenčín (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN18 Proceedings
Publication year: 2018
Pages: 4145-4148
ISBN: 978-84-09-02709-5
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.1050
Conference name: 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 2-4 July, 2018
Location: Palma, Spain
Sciences (medical biophysics, chemistry and biology) represent supporting teaching subjects in the frame of medicine study. Both teaching and learning of them are difficult. Teachers are obliged to search and apply motivating approaches and strategies with the aim to influence negative attitudes of students to the sciences in a positive way. For this purpose, teachers of the sciences require students´ feedback in order to improve quality and content of teaching.
This is the main aim of our research project “Motivating factors of medical students for better understanding the fundamental science knowledge in relation to medical diagnostic and therapeutic methods”.

Anonymous questionnaires were prepared and distributed at the end of the first semester of university study at the Comenius University Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava in the acad. years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 (128 and 105 respondents, respectively). The aim was to map current state of the students´ attitudes, level of students´ motivation concerning sciences and identify the main motivating and demotivating factors. Respondents rated their attitudes on the scale from 0 (negative) to 10 (positive).

It was found the lowest level of motivation to study medical biophysics and the higher motivation to study medical chemistry and medical biology as integral part of medicine study.
In average it was observed negative or slightly negative motivation – 29.0%, 8.0%, 45%; neutral – 44.0%, 35.1%, 31.5%; slightly positive – 22.5%, 45.9%, 51.0%, positive – 4.3%, 11.0%, 13.0% (respectively by subjects: medical biophysics, chemistry, biology).

Respondents identified the main motivating and demotivating factors in the teaching and learning of the sciences (acad. year 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, respectively):
As main motivating factors were identified:
- Positive approach and professionalism of teachers (28.4%/29.6%) and better continuity with medical practice (13.2%/10.6%), followed by availability of study literature and internet resources, better continuity with the other teaching subjects, more practical trainings, more theory and continuous control of knowledge.
In contrary, as main demotivating factors were identified:
- A lot of theory without practical application (17.7%/17.1%), high demands on time and content (15.6%/15.7%), lack of continuity to the other teaching subjects and medical practice (15.2%/13.2), memorizing (14.8%/15.1), followed by continuous control of knowledge and a lot of practicals.

Obtained results show students attitudes concerning teaching process and the main important factors of their motivation to study sciences that create the base for special subjects in medicine study (e.g. anatomy, physiology, radiology, neurology, imaging methods) and improve methodical and technological literacy.
The key findings denote the necessity to create and support tighter continuity to the medical practice. To achieve this goal requires better communication of teachers of the sciences with clinicians, feedback information from students and continuous optimization of medical curriculum.

Contribution was supported by GP KEGA MESRS of the SR 003UK–4/2016 and 026UK-4/2017.

[1] KRALOVA, E.: Motivation of medical students to study physical, chemical and biological sciences – survey results. EDULEARN 17 Proceedings. Valencia : IATED Academy, 2017, p. 9220-9223.
Motivation, sciences.