Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 5159-5166
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1176
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
It is obvious that modern society is moving from the information age to the age of experience, because due to the excess of information and the lack of clear selection criteria, knowledge itself loses its impact, the most important thing is the personal relationship, the emotion and impulse of the moment. We need experience as a means of improvement. Thus, experience is a research tool that helps to form a context, to reveal the potential, to embody mutual processes between a human and the world. Experience helps to orient scientific thinking towards less false understanding, revealing the subjective world of the individual, so that one or another decision can be made to achieve the goals of scientific cognition.

In the context of parental pedagogical education, experience is accumulated throughout life and is updated and enriched each time by parents communicating with each other and reflecting on the experience already gained. The concept of parental experience is complex, and each of their experiences is valuable, helping to understand the pedagogical conditions necessary for the organization of pedagogical education of parents.
This article analyses the forms and significance of experience sharing among parents in the education of children. Pedagogical conditions that encourage parents to share experiences are revealed.

Prior to the empirical research, scientific and methodological literature, information sources and the documents on education of the Republic of Lithuania were analysed. A qualitative research strategy was chosen to implement the research aim. The research involved 21 informants who agreed to participate in the study. As the essential thing in the qualitative research is the saturation of the collected data, the specific / well-defined sample of the dissertation research was not planned in advance. Data were collected until they began to recur and a decrease in their informativeness became apparent. The average age of the informants in the study was 37 years, all the informants were female. All informants have completed higher education. The sample of the research is convenient non-probability.

The results of the empirical study revealed that parents usually share their experiences of children education with each other through direct communication or the use of information and communication technologies. The meaning of communication between parents is constructive communication, during which not only the problems of children‘s education are shared, but also the possibilities of their solution. Parents also see the point in sharing information, attitudes, and experiences with each other. The sharing of experiences among parents usually takes place on the initiative of educational institutions, less often the parents themselves.
Experience, sharing experience, parents, pedagogical conditions, constructive communication.