Kazan National Research Technological University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 2808-2814
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0814
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The Mentimeter app is designed to organize online interactive work with the audience. Lockdown periods have enhanced the need for distance teacher-student interaction. One of the problems of this period was collaborative work of students of creative majors managed by a teacher. The Mentimeter app allows the teacher (a presenter) to explain the stages of creative work and let the remote students` groups to participate in interactive process. The advantage of the Mentimeter app is the possibility to make quizzes, questions, polls, voting, and other kinds of quick and real-time students` feedback. The Mentimeter app allows you to make learning more interesting, collaborative, interactive, students can share their opinions using voting tool.

Objective is to develop a procedure for organizing collaborative creative work of design students using the Mentimeter app and to assess the students` attitude to this form of the lesson.

(1) To systematize scientific results on the use of the Mentimeter app in education.
(2) To describe the work in the Mentimeter app; to make a presentation for organizing collaborative creative work of students; to introduce interactive feedback forms into the presentation using the features and capabilities of the Mentimeter app.
(3) To develop a procedure for organizing collaborative creative work of students.
(4) To assess the students` attitude towards the use of the Mentimeter app during education. The poll in the same app was used to get their feedback.

(1) Analysis of early publications revealed that the Mentimeter app improves the perception of the material using gamification elements and consideres the students' feedback which positively effect on their achievements.
(2) A presentation for organizing collaborative creative work based on the app demo version was made; interactive feedback forms were added to the presentation. The examples of screenshots of the interactive presentation are shown in the given paper.
(3) A plan of a remote lesson for the students` collaborative design of a modern national costume in the Mentimeter app is presented.
(4) Work in the Mentimeter app was assessed by 20 students with a maximum of 5 scores according to the following criteria: general attitude (88%); speed of interaction with the teacher (65%) and other students (58%); the lesson attracts interest (82%), the lesson is interesting up to the end (69%), helps to understand (76%) and memorize (67%) the material; the app shortens the deadline for completing the assignment (79%) and improves the quality of product design (52%).

The developed procedure of interactive collaboration allows to increase the efficiency of students` creative work managed by the teacher. The given lesson plan and the poll results will be useful to the teachers interested in using the Mentimeter app for education.
Design students, Mentimeter app, creative work, collaboration, presentation, feedback.