University North (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 7561-7566
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1966
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
A number of EU countries have taken policy measures, in last few years, to improve the framework conditions for knowledge transfer from academic community to industry in a national context. Such initiatives include the abolition of the so-called professorial privileges (professors are the intellectual capital of the University), i.e. the right of professors to claim ownership of intellectual work generated by research under their leadership. Also, it is the professional duty of the professor to prepare future academics for active participation in the modern, digital and innovative market.

The university plays a key role in the socio-economic development of the country and represents the starting point for the progress of scientific development and innovation. In the modern environment, which assumes the transfer of knowledge, and ultimately its commercialization, it is necessary to create an institutional policy/strategy for the management of knowledge and intellectual property, and to develop a framework for the protection of intellectual property. In creating this framework, it is necessary to consult with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), which provides support in efficient detection, management and commercialization of research results. The Framework for the Protection of Intellectual Property of Universities (Tamplate) developed by WIPO contains key issues in the context of intellectual property protection, including confidentiality, publication, management of intellectual property, commercialization of knowledge, recording and publishing of teaching content, conflicts of interest related to intellectual property, etc.

Therefore, in this paper we will analyze the National Strategy for Innovation and Intellectual Property of Croatia in the context of the country's development priorities. Conduct research within the University, especially in the importance of knowledge management, intellectual property management and intellectual property protection in the context of the University/administration as an employer and teachers as "capital owners", and analyze the answers by linking them to legal regulations and reflection in the management policy of the University as an employer.

Also, it is necessary to research documents that contain key recommendations and good practices in creating a harmonized approach to intellectual property and organizational policies, management and knowledge exchange. For example, the "Intellectual Property Charter for EUcomop", the recommendation of the European Commission on the management of Tual Property in knowledge transfer activities and the Code of Practice for universities and other public research organizations (April 2008), and the associated European resolutions as Council Resolution (May 2008).

The result of this research should be expressed through the creation of:
1. strategic/political document of the institution's on the rights and protection of intellectual property in the context of the University's operations
2. initiation of new academic courses in field of intellectual property and the importance of intellectual property protection.
Intellectual property, protection of intellectual property, knowledge management.