1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (UKRAINE)
2 Kyiv National Linguistic University (UKRAINE)
3 National Transport University (UKRAINE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 4095-4105
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0963
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The paper presents the findings of a research modern development at the university. The COVID 19 pandemic emphasizes the relevance and vital need for the use of digital technologies in education and accelerates its transformation in order to make full use of these resources. The pandemic and the global economic crisis are not only a threat, but also an opportunity for change leaders and innovators. The implementing of innovations in the university strives to save time, health, finances; ensure freedom, mobility and improve the quality of student learning; reduce the cost of achieving the usual educational outcomes. The digital model of education have contributed to Redesigning Learning Spaces for 21st Century Education and creation of the Multidimensional Realities - a digital university. It is based on the need to adapt a classic university to students belonging to the Digital generation, who seek to use new technologies and claim (94% of respondents) that IT, Internet technologies need to be used in the educational process. The article analyzes actual ideas on the problem of digital university development, which is interpreted as the digitization of the processes of higher education institution for processing information in electronic format. The University in a smartphone will provide maximum flexibility, individualization, personalisation and efficiency for participants in the educational process. The research is being conducted at Taras Shevchenko National University now. The results of 4 initial stages of this research have been reflected in this article. Its sample was 525 students from all 20 faculties of the university. According to the results of the research, recommendations about implementation of the Digital-University were formed. The advantages of distance learning technology and online platforms for its implementation have very important meaning (Skype, Zoom, Classroom, Google Teams, Google Meet, Classtime, Online Test Pad, Google Forms, "KNU Education Online").

The single training profile allows users to consolidate and accumulate knowledge in one place. In particular, the following things are very important in filling such a university:- student's electronic study (57%); - teacher's electronic study (22%); - electronic dean's office (6%); - electronic classroom and library fund (5%); - online reporting (4%); - electronic document flow (3%); - online help in resolving problems, disputes (3%).

Pedagogical conflicts at the university are caused by destructive real and virtual communication. They not only create problems in the functioning of universities, but also have significant potential and act as a source of development of the organization, a small group, the individual in it. Such conflicts have become the subject of the study of Conflict Pedagogy, in which special attention is paid to theoretical and methodological approaches, strategies, models of successful prevention and effective constructive resolution of pedagogical conflicts. All this is possible due to the implementation of educational training for the development of EQ (emotional intelligence) of the student. Learning these resources significantly improves the quality of mastering not only the discipline “Conflict Pedagogy”, but also in general the professional and personal competence of students by saving their time, resources, health, potential, which increases the efficiency of Digital-University.
Development of universities, learning, conflict pedagogy, digital technologies.