1 Medical University of Sofia, Faculty of Public Health (BULGARIA)
2 Medical Faculty of Sofia University (BULGARIA)
3 University of Information Technologies UNIBIT (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 2223-2229
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.0580
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
LASER is acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser light is monochromatic, coherent, highly directional; with specific influences on the human organism. LASER beams can be used for diagnostics, for therapy and for surgery. In rehabilitation clinical practice we apply class III lasers for laser therapy (LTh).
Current article examines some contemporaneous aspects of the education in the field of LTh and its place in the educational plan of students of the professional fields of Medicine, Public Health and Health Care.

Our goal was to introduce the electronic learning and electronic assessment of the level of professional competences of students in this thematic field, including their opinion.
We prepared power-point presentations on the topic LTh, including: theoretical bases of LASER; physical properties of Laser light; differences between soft and hard lasers; lasers with constant and pulsed emission; types of low-energy low-power lasers; devices for LTh using class III therapeutic lasers (soft lasers); ultra-violet, red and infra-red lasers; devices for Lasertherapy, Laserpuncture and Laseracupuncture. Special attention was paid to biostimulation, photo-thermal and photo-chemical effects of laser radiation; influence of laser light at different levels: effects on semi-permeability of the cellular membrane, on mitochondrial respiratory chain, activation of ATP synthetase and increase of energetic cellular reactivity; efficacy of laser use for tissue repair, pain relief, reduction of inflammation, immunomodulation. We introduced in the educational programme clinical applications of LTh in the fields of neurological, neuro-surgical, rhеumatological, orthopedic and traumatological rehabilitation (indications, contra-indications, methods, doses). We included some results of our own modest clinical experience of 30 years in this field.
We prepared PC-based tests for assessment of theoretical and practical skills and we evaluated the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students in different specialties: bachelors and masters in „Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy“, masters in „Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology“; and in the process of post-graduate education of medical doctors - during the specialization in „Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine“. We tested too the level of satisfaction of students.

The qualitative and quantitative analysis of results of assessment tests demonstrated a significant amelioration of competences of students applying e-learning and using the complete compendium of presentations. The level of satisfaction of students and trainees, using this method was positive.

Authors discuss the place of application of soft lasers in the complex rehabilitation process of different types of patients and persons with disabilities.

We emphasize the significance of the education in LTh in the minimal level of competences of students and trainees in the rehabilitation field.
e-learning, e-book, education, LASER, lasertherapy, laserpuncture, laseracupuncture, rehabilitation.