1 Medical University of Sofia (BULGARIA)
2 Medical Faculty of Sofia University (BULGARIA)
3 University of Library studies and Information Technologies (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 1719-1727
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.0442
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
Neurological manifestations of corona-virus are considered as public health emergency of international concern. Many authors work in this field. Neuro-COVID signs and symptoms are classified in several groups: acute and chronic stages; indicators of the central nervous system (CNS), peripheral nervous system (PNS), skeletal muscle manifestations; psychological and psychiatric acute problems. CNS manifestations comprise: Headache, Dizziness, Acute encephalopathy, Posterior reversible encephalopathy, Seizures, Acute cerebrovascular diseases (ischemic stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral venous thrombosis); Meningitis and encephalitis, Acute myelitis (mostly transverse myelitis). PNS manifestations are: Smell and taste impairment, Guillain – Barré syndrome (frequently ascending flaccid paralysis); Pain (headache, muscle / joint pain); Cranial nerve injuries. Skeletal muscles manifestations include: Asthenia and Myalgia, Skeletal muscle injury. Long-term effects contain neurological sequelae (fatigue, muscle weakness, conditions – consequences of stroke and demyelinating polyneuropathies); psychological issues (anxiety, depression, affective disorders, sleep problems, post-traumatic stress syndrome), and neurocognitive issues (e.g. brain fog).
Physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) plays an important role along the care continuum of patients with COVID-19 – in the acute, post-acute and long-term stage. Neurorehabilitation (NR) is a central component for the functional recovery of patients with neuro-COVID.

Our goal was to introduce the educational module in “NR in neuro-COVID” in the course of graduate and post-graduate training of members of the multi-disciplinary NR-team and to evaluate the influence of this module on the level of theoretical and practical competences of our students and trainees in this field.
We prepared power-point presentations on the principles of neurorehabilitation in neurological conditions - consequence of COVID-19. We emphasize on neurological signs and symptoms in neuro-COVID; contemporaneous methods of NR, and modern devices, used for these patients. Clinical cases of our own clinical practice were included in the educational programme. We included these educational materials in a web-based library.
The educational module was included in the educational plans of students and trainees of professional fields of Medicine, Public Health and Health Care – future members of the multi-disciplinary multi-professional rehabilitation team.
We prepared web-based tests for assessment of theoretical and practical skills and we evaluated the level of competences of students of different specialties: bachelors in “Kinesitherapy” and in „Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy“, masters in “Kinesitherapy” and in „Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology“; and in medical doctors – PRM trainees. Separately, we tested anonymously the opinion and the level of satisfaction of students and trainees of our e-library.

The qualitative and quantitative analysis of results of assessment tests demonstrated a significant amelioration of competences of students in this thematic field. The level of learners’ satisfaction was satisfactory.

We highlight the significance of the education in “NR in neuro-COVID” for the vocational training and professional competence of students and trainees in the rehabilitation field.
e-learning, neurorehabilitation, COVID-19, neuro-COVID.