Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The present life is very turbulent and it is expected that many features of turbulences will influence people in the future. Globalization of today´s world has become a phenomenon, which is a very common topic to analyze and discuss for professionals and specialists in different areas of human activity. It is considered to be the main factor which enters into everyday life, and is present in our homes, work and leisure time. It has a wide impact on our lifestyle, communication and links to outside world etc. The process of globalization is not separated from educational scene; it generates new problems, which can be very often solved only in a close international cooperation of professionals in education. The reality of a global world has close links to internationalization of education and multicultural and global competences of teachers. The paper deals with the issues of an actual state and opportunities of university students in Slovakia to participate in a foreign mobility. The authors focus on higher education in the context of internationalization within the European Union; clarify the forms of foreign mobility, which university students can take part in during their higher education. It also deals with their options to participate in the learning mobility in the context of their preparation for a teaching profession. The paper describes the results of the research which reveals the benefits, barriers and a current state of interest of the students - future teachers - in a foreign mobility.Keywords:
European Union, Higher Educational System, Erasmus+, Students – Future Teachers, Mobility, Interest in Mobility, Benefits, Barriers.