Shevchenko Transnistria State University (MOLDOVA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 1502-1507
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0346
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Nowadays, the Russian teachers’ training system no longer fully responds to the interests of the society and does not meet the needs of the State. Today, the trends associated with transformation of education depend on a range of factors. Among such, there is a change in the role of a teacher in the open educational environment, i.e. from a knowledge carrier to a knowledge producer; and a shift in the target objectives and priorities towards formation of soft skills in teachers, personal development, and unlocking their creative potential.

Problem statement:
Teachers’ training in higher education institutions is implemented through the competence-based model. Mastering the new aspects of open, cross-border and variable approach in the educational environment requires remodeling and transformation of the teachers’ training. The problem lies in development of the conceptual framework for the content-related constituent of the teachers’ training in order to shift priorities from building competencies as the training centerpiece to shaping personal and professional set of values, motives and goals essential for the teachers-to-be in the open educational environment.

Research methods and background:
Purposeful observation, analysis of the past and contemporary practices of the efficient educational process architecture, study of the Russian Federation regulatory and legal framework in the field of education, systematization and generalization, structural and conceptual modeling.

Results and discussion:
The teachers’ training models implemented at three universities of the Russian Federation and at Shevchenko Transnistria State University were analyzed. The fundamental principles of the content-based training of the teachers-to-be involving the personified approach was elaborated. The teachers’ training system was shown as the open educational model focusing on shaping personal significance in professional activities and closing the trained teacher gaps, and based on the common concept-based approach involving the formation of soft skills.

The target objectives of the contemporary teachers’ training towards the increase in the role of the professional activity components in training framework were evaluated, i.e. functional literacy, gain in experience and expression of personal creative potential, and setting professional growth points.

Directions and principles for remodeling of the teachers’ training system were identified based on diversification of training programs in higher education institutions and unification of educational and professional standards with regard to highlighting practice-based knowledge and shaping personal significance in professional activities.

The authors share the conclusion that in the open educational environment the transformation of the teachers’ training system is inevitable. It is required to develop a concept-based foundations and common approach to educational, pedagogical and professional standards. The specifics of the open educational environment presuppose a shift in priorities towards practice-oriented training and unlocking creative potential in individuals, as well as towards forming soft skills in the teachers-to-be. The teachers’ training system possesses considerable resources for its advancement in the multi-subject network environment.
Personified approach, teacher education system, digital environment, open educational environment, soft skills, trained teacher gap, open educational practices, personal significance in teaching.