Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Research (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 8057-8064
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2032
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Modern economic conditions in the Russian Federation and the countries of the Middle East lead to a decrease in the standard of living of the population, and, as a result, entail an increase in the number of dysfunctional families, an increase in homelessness, migration, aggressive markers in the behavior of young people. The deprivation conditions for the development of adolescents and the adverse effects of a psychogenic nature lead to the disintegration of their emotional ties with the social environment, the world of adults and peers, develop in more favorable conditions and often cause secondary impairments of cognitive and psychological functions, emotional development, outbursts of aggressiveness, emotional instability, deformation of the ways of social interaction.

All these features are especially clearly manifested in a society with a multicultural identity: a different national or religious affiliation of the Other can become an additional factor in destabilizing both the mental state of the individual and his / her relationship with the environment - professional and educational.

The educational environment - the space and staff of a school, college, university - can provide a support for the development of a healthier personality with an emphasis on values ​​such as life, health, safety, respect for others, knowledge, partnership, well-being, etc. The objects of description in this article are factors that can enhance the sense of security, form stronger interpersonal ties, a sense of support and well-being in life in the learning process, and thereby serve as additional factors of stability in a multi-ethnic society.

Colleges and universities of the Kazan city in the Republic of Tatarstan have become a platform for studying environmental factors and characteristics of individuals.

Research methods are general humanitarian methods, inclusive observation, questioning, content and intent analysis, specialized psychological and sociometric techniques, etc.
The approach within which the research is carried out is integrative, systemic, discursive and personality-oriented.

The research results have not only theoretical but also practical significance; on their basis, some provisions of the Concept of Measures for the Prevention of Interethnic and Interreligious Conflicts in the Educational Environment have been created; the advanced training program for teachers "Ensuring comprehensive personal security in an educational organization" has been supplemented and revised.

As a result of the study, three groups of factors were identified - global, environmental and personal - that influence the formation of a person's sense of security, its resistance to external influences - cognitive and psychological within the educational environment. The importance of conditions for the reorganization of the Internet context in which a person develops is especially spelled out. Recommendations are given to employees of educational institutions in multicultural regions on how to reduce environmental risk factors and what to pay attention to in personal work. The concept of “persons at risk” has been revised, the educational environment is presented as a multi-level discourse that, contrary to popular belief, can still influence the processes of personality formation by managing interaction processes, regulating the contact sphere and creating a favorable context for the development and formation of a personality.
The educational environment, a multi-ethnic society, safety factors, psychological and pedagogical work, preventive measures, comfortable developing environment.