Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (UKRAINE)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 6859-6866
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1554
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The digital practice has become a reality in the work of modern libraries. This creates conditions for expanding the range of information and socio-cultural services, makes libraries more accessible and open to readers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the trends of information development in terms of digital transformation, define the functions and communicative nature of libraries in the modern world, change the paradigm of training information and library professionals.
The methodological principle of the research is based on the socio-communicative approach, which allows to assessment the state of development of society with the help of modern library technologies. The experience of expanding the virtual space of libraries, integrating their informational and cultural-educational potential, mastering the principles of network communication and Web 2.0 services with their interactivity, direct data exchange and collaboration in the network community is analyzed. In modern practice, library users are participants in the processes of creating and evaluating information content, erasing the boundaries between the authors of information and its users.
The main directions of virtualization of library information space on the Web 2.0 technological platform are described. The main attention is paid to the transformation of the "library for books" into the "library for people". After all, the creation and care of digital collections have become one of the main activities of modern libraries and the development of a set of competencies by librarians related to digital curation. Particular attention is paid to the transformation of Ukrainian libraries and the creation of educational media centres on their basis. The problem of the influence of virtualization on the formation of cultural values of youth and the use of information technology in the media libraries' creation for learning and for the organization of a conceptually new approach in organizing access to the literary fund of libraries.
The conclusions state that the rapidly developing virtual space of libraries provides barrier-free access to information and services, effective feedback from readers, the opportunity for their participation in creating relevant and popular content. This creates conditions for expanding the range of information and socio-cultural services, makes libraries more accessible and open to the consumer. At the same time, the rapid growth of network content of culture based on Web 2.0 leads to a decrease in its quality, change of value-semantic orientations and preferences, expansion of the "space" of mass culture. This issue requires scientific understanding by culturologists, librarians and the attention of practising professionals in libraries and other cultural institutions.
Given the current trends in libraries, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts changes the approach to the training of librarians trained in the speciality 029 "Library, information and archival studies". New educational programs "Management of social and communication networks, Internet marketing” and “Management of web projects, digital content design” were introduced. The article outlines the main approaches and disciplines used in new educational programs for training information and library professionals who can develop the virtual space of libraries in terms of digital transformation.
Virtual space, virtual culture, digital transformation, libraries, information technologies.