Southern Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 1986-1991
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0579
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of an interdisciplinary approach to problem-based teaching of master degree students of the Southern Federal University (SFedU, Russia) in the study of linguistic and cultural material, as well as to prove the effectiveness and prospects of this methodological model.

The use of problem learning methods along with the project method, the case method, the brainstorming method, the cooperative learning method, the tandem learning method as part of an interdisciplinary approach has shown that problem learning is one of the most effective means of solving problems such as the development of cognitive activity, independence, creative professionally oriented thinking of students, which contributes to the formation of the ability to solve non-standard research problems. The implementation of the educational process in the field of master's training is mainly based on the technology of project-based learning and research-based learning.

As part of the implementation of the research track, we organized an interdisciplinary research project "Specificity of Conceptual Dominants of German-Speaking Culture", which was carried out by 1st year postgraduates of the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the SFedU and the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy. The time frame for this project ranged 10-12 months. The project participants carried out a linguocultural analysis of key concepts of the German language as “Ordnung” (order), “Sicherheit / Unsicherheit” (security/insecurity), which most clearly reflect the national mentality as a deep structure of cultural values through the prism of the psychology of stereotypes and prejudices. In the course of the implementation of the above mentioned project, it was concluded that, while observing the principle of interdisciplinary coordination, didactic conditions for maximum focusing of two academic disciplines in a single professionally oriented foreign language course are created.

The level of formation of the competence of the team work of postgraduates was determined using a set of diagnostic procedures: methods for determining the style of interpersonal interaction, methods for identifying communicative inclinations (Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M.), methods of forming positive group motivation (Galkina T.P.).

According to the results of the survey of students who participated in the pilot project, the majority (72%) of the respondents noted an increase in interest in the linguistic and cultural side of a foreign language, an intensification of cognitive activity, as well as the effectiveness of interaction between participants and teachers. 18% of the respondents emphasized the possibility of applying the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the course of this project in their future professional activities. 10% (mainly students of a psychological profile) expressed a desire to cooperate in the framework of psychological and linguistic research.

Thus, in the course of the implementation of an interdisciplinary project, not only subject competences in a foreign language, linguistics, psychology are formed, but also the entire spectrum of metasubject competencies of future pedagogical specialists is formed, such as the ability to work in a team, make organizational and managerial decisions and the willingness to bear responsibility; the ability of self-development and self-improvement etc.
Problem learning, project method, interdisciplinary communication, concept, cultural values, linguocultural concept, dominant concepts of German linguoculture, national mentality, transformation of values, ethnospecific traits.