Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 6086-6094
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.1374
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
At Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf (HHU), the DICE (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics) offers a module with a seminar presentation and a video production for the public in the Master's program of the Department of Economics (WiWi). The video shooting takes place in the professional video set of the HHU Multimedia Centre (MMZ), Central Facility for IT and Media. The module represents an innovative form of examination compared to classical formats.

The research aims to evaluate the acceptance of the course format and the perceived learning success of the WiWi students. The focus is on the learning process, from creating the module content for a specific target group to the implementation as a video format and the role of the greenbox set for the presentation of the module content. Based on educational theories about learning with videos and the current state of research, the study investigates how the video format can contribute to a deeper engagement with learning content for students. We chose a mixed methods approach for this purpose.

The quantitative online survey runs in April 2021 with WiWi students from 2018 to 2020. The sample (N=18) consists of half female and half male participants, predominantly aged between 24 and 28. The most frequently cited reasons for opting for the module are creative project work (72.2%), interest (77.8%), and a new form of examination (66.7%). Prior knowledge of scientific work and video production was assessed on a 5-point scale with the index ind_vk (MEAN, unweighted) with M=3.80 (SD=.60). For acceptance, e.g. of the use of media during the course, the materials, the examples shown and the stringency of the module structure, the index ind_az01 is M=4.15 (SD=.95). The students rate the instructor's supervision positively with M=4.56 (SD=.70) and the MMZ video shooting team higher with M=4.82 (SD=.39). They place the event as a whole positively with M=4.50 (SD=.71). The learning success (index ind_le01) is M=3.93 (SD=.71). The participants rate the overall learning gain positively (M=3.67; SD=1.14), and they also place the transfer to their professional practice highly with M=4.00 (SD=.84).

The qualitative part of the research includes semi-structured interviews of the summer term 2020 cohort and supports the statements of the quantitative position (N=8). The expectations are a video shoot, professional set, and knowledge transfer, which, besides the development and playback of complex content for diverse target groups, was fulfilled in the appropriation. Other aspects are the practical experience, supervision of lecturers/MMZ, and possibilities with the camera-like graphics. The video format is suitable for creating closeness, reaching another clientele, and presenting complex topics in a greenscreen set. Everyone is satisfied with the process and recommends the module to others. They learn a lot; "I already feel that I have learned more through the module than through other modules" (participant, interview, 2020).

Based on the results of the mixed methods research, we recommend offering creative content creation courses for a specific target group as a video format in higher education. The video format is suitable as a sustainable, innovative form of assessment for small groups. Furthermore, a professional setting creates a practical experience and job transfer, so cooperation between different university institutions is advantageous.
Learning with video, greenscreen, multimedia, innovative teaching-learning format, assessment, evaluation, mixed methods.