Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9351-9356
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.2154
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The need to use video materials (films) at foreign language lessons (including Russian as a foreign language) is beyond doubt: the lexical and grammatical constructions, some linguocultural information are mastered, the communication skills are formed. Films can be considered an effective didactic material which allows creating communicative situations (discussions, role-based dialogues, some projects). In this case all types of speech activities are involved. Listening to speech (male, female, children's voices; different speed of sound; lexical and grammatical content with possible different stylistic coloration) contributes to the formation of listening skills. Creation of own utterances with the correct articulatory, rhythmic-intonational models — speaking skills. Working with the text of the content of the film (including subtitles) — reading skills. Writing texts of different types — writing skills.

It is known that the use of a film as a teaching material requires the fulfillment of some certain conditions. They are: the text of the film must correspond to the level of the students' Russian language proficiency; the viewing of video material must be technically possible for all students; the explanations and comments must be understandable (conscious selection of grammatical and lexical units).

Great opportunities, as well as a new level of organization of the educational process and the effectiveness of the training itself are provided by the distance format using online technologies (Zoom) in modern learning conditions. Firstly, there is technically facilitated access to the film for both a teacher and students: there is no need to use any additional information storage devices, the film can be obtained through subscriptions on sites (for example,, Secondly, classes in a virtual classroom with the use of the screen sharing function allow all participants on equal terms to be involved into the educational process (there is no problem "I can hardly see" in a regular classroom). Thirdly, the teacher's work is facilitated technically: the screen can simultaneously show a film and comment on lexical-grammatical, linguocultural material, including written and graphic material. Separately, it should be noted that the simultaneous use of three channels of information transmission "viewing — sounding — reading" (in the latter case, subtitles are meant) significantly increases the effectiveness of teaching, especially in the audience of students from Southeast Asia, who due to typological differences between native languages and Russian have great difficulties in perceiving information by ear.

The methods of working with films in a foreign audience in the distance format using online technologies have received sufficient approbation in the Russian language classes held at Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.
Teaching foreign languages, Russian as a foreign language, video material, distance format with online technologies, increased efficiency.