Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 832-836
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.0300
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
The research described in this article suggests ways to improve the effectiveness of organizing independent work at the initial stage of training future English language teachers. Organizing individual work is important for acquiring professional skills of future teachers. The following types of individual student work are considered: working with lecture and educational material, writing notes and essays, working with texts, preparing presentations, doing tests and exercises. The purpose of this study is to determine the system of teaching a foreign language at the Faculty of Pedagogy, which should help students develop independent work skills and increase its role in the educational process.

Extracurricular work for students at the initial stage is especially important for developing independent skills, since it involves solving a number of problems:
1) mastering educational material;
2) mastery of techniques and methods of mastering the material;
3) fostering academic self-discipline.

During the research process, the authors used a systemic-structural approach to the analysis of teaching activities. The material for the analysis was the experience and observations of the activities of teachers and students, as well as the available data on the problem under study in the pedagogical and methodological literature.

The authors proposed the stages of organizing the independent work on the development of foreign language communication.

Practical value:
A competently organized independent work on foreign language communication forms a foreign language communication competence, skills and abilities. It has been established that classroom lessons predetermine the stages of students’ independent work. Pair work and mutual control in and outside of class contribute to the development of self-control skills. The teacher’s control contributes to the student’s development of the ability to maintain a certain sequence in the work of understanding and consolidating new language units. The control technique used in the lesson, combined with the development of self-control skills, introduces an element of pedagogy into the student’s learning. Experience has shown that the main difficulty in self-control is poor knowledge of the models with which the work being performed is compared.

Independent work of students is: the significance and social usefulness of the work performed by students, participation of students in creative activities, involvement of students in innovative, research and project work, participation in various professional and creative competitions. Classroom and extracurricular work constitute a single pedagogical process. The nature of students' individual work depends on the general system of teaching a foreign language, in particular on the types of language activities that are the main focus in the classroom. Algorithmization makes it possible for a teacher to direct the process of mastering material and acquiring skills, and for students to carry out this process taking into account their individual abilities. The authors developed and described in this article special types of exercises that promote the development of oral speech skills and self-control. When used effectively, research materials can improve learning outcomes.
Individual work, English, training, classroom work, extracurricular work, control, self-control.