University of British Columbia (CANADA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2012 Proceedings
Publication year: 2012
Pages: 1832-1839
ISBN: 978-84-615-5563-5
ISSN: 2340-1079
Conference name: 6th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 5-7 March, 2012
Location: Valencia, Spain
Ideally the large lecture operates as a theatre for performing interactive learning and not as a site for disciplining docile bodies. In a pre-digital pre wireless era, a university student writing notes to his or her friend or reading a book or sleeping might not distract other students from the lecture. With the widespread use of personal electronic devices like the laptop, cell phone, Ipads, etc., a disaffected “multi tasking” student can texts other students, update his or her Facebook page, shop online, and screen pornography. Increasingly in North American University classrooms, personal electronic devices are eroding the line between public and private space and challenging the standard lecture delivery model.

Despite various calls to limit students’ access to technology, this paper suggests several strategies for integrating its use into the classroom setting.

Twitter and other technologies that promote interaction and game playing can be used to liquefy the hardcoded architecture of the large lecture hall to generate a playful space of learning. Learning contracts that acknowledge technology need to be integrated into course outlines. This paper will discuss the author’s modeling and outcome for two learning technology contracts: 1. A panoptic ‘zero’ tolerance policy on misuse and 2. student policing of their learning space.

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Personal Electronic Devices, Panopticon, large lecture, polyphony, Twitter, Liquid modernity.