1 Faculty of Education, University of Maribor (SLOVENIA)
2 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor (SLOVENIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8504-8511
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2235
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The integration of technology in the classroom has been a topic of discussion and research for many years. With the advancement of robotics and artificial intelligence, humanoid robots have become an increasingly popular tool in education. This article explores teachers' perspectives on the use of humanoid robots at primary and secondary education levels, to which we add a specific focus on native language teachers.

We asked Slovenian teachers who teach at primary and secondary level about their perspectives on the use of humanoid robots in teaching. We asked them to imagine themselves in a situation where they were accompanied by a humanoid robot while teaching and to evaluate, from the perspective of this situation, to what extent the use of such technologies seems reasonable to them. They answered a closed-ended question by indicating any number of answers they agreed with, and were also given the option to choose Other and within this answer, they wrote their answers as they wished. 418 teachers responded to the question, and it was found that 50.24 % of teachers believe that the use of modern teaching is meaningful, as it is the future of our lives. 65.55 % of teachers see this as an opportunity to upgrade their teaching, and 44.50 % of teachers see it as an opportunity to deepen skills that they still do not know enough about. 69.86 % of teachers see the advantage of using modern technology in teaching because it could provide students with the opportunity to learn differently, and 55.55 % of teachers believe that it could also encourage the interests and talents of students.

Particularly valuable for preparing and improving practices are the responses that teachers provided within the open-ended answer Other. Two poles of teachers are evident. The first pole confirms the answers they provided in the already posed questions. These teachers see the use of modern technology, including humanoid robots, as an advantage and opportunity, and emphasize that it makes sense if they are incorporated into the learning process in a supportive way. The second pole of teachers is skeptical and cautious about the use of modern technology, including humanoid robots. Among them, we highlight the following opinions expressed by participating teachers: such robots do not yet exist, nor will they be developed soon, so please focus on other topics; robots are fallible and mistakes can be serious, even fatal; oh no; you are not sane; distance learning has clearly shown what happens to students and their psyche and emotions, and now we want to introduce robots - I understand that they are in production, not in the upbringing and education of children; this undermines the mindset and trust of living beings; you don't know what you're doing, it's about the future of humanity, globalists; I hope this will never be part of our education system; you are not normal. To illustrate how teachers' perspectives are specific to their teaching field, we use the example of the specific perspectives otf teachers who teach native language, highlighting the specifics of their views on the use of humanoid robots within the framework of modern technology use in education.

By examining teachers' experiences and opinions, this article provides insights into the role of modern technology and humanoid robots in education, and the potential implications for teaching practices in the future, we provide a foundation for further research and discussion.
Humanoid robots in education, native language teachers, primary level of education, secondary level of education, teachers' perspectives.