1 Faculty of Education, University of Maribor (SLOVENIA)
2 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (SLOVENIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1522-1527
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0477
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Rapid changes in every aspect of our lives are also driving changes in education. Keeping up with technological advancements is already challenging, especially in such a sensitive environment as education, where individuals are growing and developing without having acquired the necessary knowledge and understanding needed in this rapidly changing world. Chatbots have made their way into the realm of education, with their definitive breakthrough occurring in November 2022 with the introduction of the ChatGPT chatbot. Although chatbots had been used and researched before, that moment marked a turning point that largely divided educators into two camps: those who were strictly opposed and those who were in favor. Nonetheless, chatbots and other forms of artificial intelligence will undoubtedly influence all areas of our lives, and they will find their rightful place within the field of education. This is appropriate since, with their thoughtful use, teachers can enhance the student learning experience.

Despite the ubiquity of chatbots in our lives, including in education and educational research, chatbots had not been extensively studied in this context prior to November 2022. This meant that the educational space was unprepared for such a radical change and variable in their well-established work. However, experiences have shown that educators should approach their use with caution and careful planning. Chatbots should not be assumed to be a given in the educational setting. Learning objectives specific to the intended audience should form the basis of lesson planning when incorporating chatbots into education. The aim of this study was to explore the preparation for teaching using chatbots in education.

Based on a preliminary study, it was found that more than just basic steps are necessary for designing a didactic unit within a lesson that includes the use of chatbots by students. Based on the findings of the participants in the preliminary study, where students worked with chatbots, two specialized didactics, one for social sciences (literature class) and one for science (technology and engineering class), were asked to assess various aspects of students' experience in working with chatbots during the didactic unit. The participants in the preliminary study, including 3 students, 3 teachers, and 3 university professors, were interviewed using unstructured interviews, where they shared their experiences and perspectives on the designed didactic unit in which they participated. The data obtained from the instruments used revealed that the didactic unit, although thoughtfully structured, was not sufficient as it did not include a circular process of monitoring and planning the didactic unit. With this in mind, the IMPACT model was developed, which encompasses 6 extended steps of planning the use of chatbots in education.

This model encompasses guidelines for implementing six steps in planning the use of chatbots in education. These steps include: (I) Identifying goals and target audience, (M) Mapping appropriate technology, (P) Performing thorough testing, (A) Applying integration strategies, (C) Continuous monitoring and evaluation, and (T) Transforming and optimizing. The model serves as a framework for planning and implementing educational activities supported by chatbots. It emphasizes setting goals, selecting suitable technology, conducting testing, integrating chatbots, monitoring progress, and optimizing the learning experience.
Chatbots, education, guidelines, IMPACT model, learning experience.