Asociacija Aktyvus Jaunimas (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6593-6599
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1742
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Women's economic empowerment is an essential asset to achieving gender equality. However, in most countries, men outnumber women in leadership positions in every sector globally, including business, non-profits, government, education, medicine, the military, and religion. This gender gap, often referred to by the metaphor "glass ceiling", represents one of the most critical challenges to achieving gender equity and allowing equitable working opportunities to all genders.

Empowering leading females can have a significant impact on the world. When girls are empowered to lead, they can bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table, leading to more diverse and inclusive decision-making. This can result in more equitable and just societies where everyone’s voices and needs are heard and represented.

The implemented LEO project aimed to enhance women's leadership, develop NFE resources for youth workers and young people, promote men's involvement in women's empowerment, and strengthen the synergies between youth work and the labor market. This aim was achieved through a wide range of single-sex and mixed activities for young women and men.

Within the project, a methodology for working with young girls & women was created. The methodology empowers girls to be leaders. It is not just about advancing the cause of gender equality but also about creating a better and more equitable world for everyone. By giving girls the tools and support, they need to succeed.

Non-Governmental Organizations can play an essential role in promoting female leadership. By providing resources, education, and support to girls and women, NGOs can help to empower them to take on leadership roles. By promoting female leadership, NGOs can help create a more diverse and inclusive world where women’s voices, perspectives, and experiences are valued and incorporated into decision-making processes.

A resource group of young female activists and leaders from four countries was formed to direct the creation of this methodology. Through research and gender assessments, essential topics that are extremely important to young women were identified.

Focusing on these issues, the methodology provides young women with information and tools to:
- Gain insights into the issues,
- Facilitate training to educate and mobilize their peers to collaborate on the issues,
- Develop advocacy skills, and take concrete action on the issues.

The methodology has been tested in Lithuania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, and Albania to ensure it is a practical and youth-friendly resource in diverse cultural settings. Each module's workshop instructions are made to help young women successfully run enjoyable and interesting workshops without the assistance of "professional facilitators." The curriculum is adaptable and enables changes, such as adding special speakers or resources, to meet the requirements of the participants. The modules can be utilized individually or in any arrangement that best suits the participants’ needs, interests, time, and resources.

Despite being primarily created as a tool for young women, organizations or people who work with young women may also find this methodology helpful.
Female leadership, Youth work, Gender equality.