1 University of Colombo School of Computing (SRI LANKA)
2 Mid Sweden University (SWEDEN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 11-20
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0012
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Gamification has been presented as an interesting concept for reinforcing teaching and learning in virtual learning environments. From this new emerging research field, several studies report on the promising potential of gamified education, but also on pitfalls to avoid. At the same time as there have been discussions on the lack of motivation in higher education, electronic sports (eSports) have increased in popularity. There are many research studies on both gamification and eSports, but less research has been conducted on the combination of the two. This study has the aim of describing and discussing the Nebula framework for gamified virtual learning environments. Nebula is a framework that has been built on top of two components; course criteria, and gamified environment. Course criteria suggest instructors a specific set of methods to arrange course content in a particular way to produce a course module. Later on, the course module can be hosted in a gamified environment and referred by students. The gamified environment contains a set of artifacts that can create a dopamine-driven feedback loop on students to increase their engagement. Nebula framework has a very robust and structured assessment model in place. The personalized quiz system seems like a great way to ensure that users are being tested on content that is relevant to their individual needs and knowledge levels. The hidden rank system is also an interesting concept, as it can motivate users to keep striving to improve their rankings without feeling like they are being directly compared to others. This can be especially helpful for learners who may feel discouraged if they see others with higher rankings. The seasons and rating recalibration subsystems are also important components of the Nebula framework, as they can help to ensure that the ratings are accurate and reflective of the current skill levels of users. By periodically recalibrating the ratings, the platform can maintain a consistent level of quality and competitiveness. The assessment model and the ranking system of Nebula framework are well thought out and designed to provide a high-quality learning experience for users.

In conclusion, gamification and eSports are emerging as promising fields for improving teaching and learning in virtual environments. The Nebula framework is a notable example of a gamified educational platform that leverages effective course design and gamification techniques to enhance student engagement and motivation. The framework's personalized quiz system, hidden rank system, and seasonal rating recalibration subsystems contribute to a strong and specific assessment model that maintains a consistent level of quality and competitiveness on the platform. Overall, the Nebula framework provides a well-designed and effective learning experience that holds potential for further development and research in the intersection of gamification and eSports. Future research should assess the effectiveness of this framework in improving student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes in virtual environments.
Gamification, eSports, Personalization, Technology Enhanced Learning, The Nebula Framework, Dopamine-driven Feedback Loop.