Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 132-136
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0069
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The reserves of the Slovak Republic in the field of filling jobs in the field of cyber security are high. Cyber Security Competence and Certification Centre claims, that the total need for workers is estimated at 20,000. Companies, institutions and municipalities lack the necessary workforce. The state also feels the lack of cyber security managers in the field of education or healthcare. For example, more than 12,000 positions are needed in basic service operators, 2,700 in medium-sized enterprises, and over 2,000 cyber workers in public administration. The practice in Slovakia already partially solves the lack of security experts by retraining or specializing professionals from related fields. A short-term solution is also adult education, which is mainly practiced in areas such as law or process management. The long-term solution is a significant increase in accredited higher education programs. Within the Slovak Republic, there are eight universities that deal with the issues of information technology, cyber security or security sciences. The problem with the lack of manpower is that the issues and scope of knowledge of a cyber security manager is a complex of information from different areas. Most universities provide study programs focused in one direction, as an example we can provide software engineering. The competences required of cyber security managers by the European Union or the legal framework of Slovak republic also require penetration into several areas such as software engineering, management, risk management, finances, network communication and others. Based on practical requirements, the Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina has created a new trajectory for the security management study program as part of the new accreditation of study programs that is being prepared and currently underway. The trajectory of information security reflects the just-mentioned requirements of practice, and study plans were created in relation to that. These plans determine the time and content sequence of study program subjects and the form of evaluation of study results. During their creation, the principles of the constructivist approach were applied, the basis of which is to harmonize the desired goals and outcomes of education, teaching and learning methods, and evaluation methods. The expected competences acquired by the students meet the requirements for the role of cyber security manager, which are required by the European Union as well as the legal framework of the Slovak Republic. Within the framework of the article, the framework of the information security study plan will be presented in order to present the connection of the individual requirements of practice.
Cyber security manager, information security, study program, competencies.