Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (MACEDONIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Innovative teaching approaches have always been on the forefront of education improvement. With the ubiquity of ICT and the on-line approaches to education, utilized during the global pandemic, teachers had to redefine and reimplement the learning material for digital consumption. Mathematics learning presents a special challenge, mainly because of the long history of in-person teaching and the vast array of software capable of mathematical calculations that can be utilized for teaching.
As part of our research in digitalization of the course Calculus 2, we conducted a study about the usage outcome of digital learning tools, based on the free GeoGebra suite. Our goal was to gain quantitative and qualitative insight of the effect of these tools in the learning process. Part of the students on the Calculus 2 course could choose to learn part of the material using the multi-part hybrid lesson that contained text, images, video lectures, interactive tools and questions.
For evaluation, we used progress tracking of student activities, surveys as well as the final results of the course. After processing the obtained data, we noticed that the students that used the novel tools had on average much better results and produced better achievement scores than the students that did not use the new interactive tools.Keywords:
Education, mathematics, geogebra, distance learning, digital transformation.